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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. @Crayola64 at minimum, watch the very end of the video. https://twitter.com/POTUSPress/status/1095357497198723074
  2. train to nowhere.... https://twitter.com/BreakingNLive/status/1095412042767523841
  3. https://twitter.com/AP/status/1095375445506359296
  4. were you born this way or did you work at it real hard?
  5. i never would have guessed that his salary would be ... so low. i guess it couldn't hurt to kick the tires and see if something favorable could be worked.
  6. i was mocked got all kinds of sideways looks for saying Tull was metal back in the day. until, that is, they actually won the best metal award for Crest of a Knave. as an aside, does anyone remember WSYR and the days of early metal?
  7. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    correct. again this is just my opinion and should not be considered financial advice, i am just a stupid keyboard jockey, wtf do i know, but ... i am not convinced we have bottomed out. with that said, i don't see much downside whether you buy in at today's prices or at my projected level of three figures. the current bubble has to complete it's cycle before the next (and possibly last bubble before it becomes a true conveyance vehicle) one can begin. i see nothing, outside of a collapse of the USD, that changes my opinion at this point.
  8. the only real problem with nothing happening is that it opens the door wide for anyone and everyone to blatantly break the law and flaunt it in front of everybody's nose because they know there is going to be no real consequences. i have serious doubts that anything is going to happen also but the above is what i am hanging my hat on that something has to happen. if the rule of law no longer matters, we are done for. hang it up and punt.
  9. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    yes and no. yes it is a big deal whenever a major player recognizes a crypto currency solution. i'd be willing to bet that not many people here know that there are a large number of businesses that accept cryptos. i will include a info-graphic from April of last year below to illustrate just how mainstream it has become. as for the lightning network, i am not a big proponent of off chain settlement layers. essentially what the lightning network does is to settle transactions outside of a respective blockchain. all of which has to, at some point, be reconciled on the respective blockchain. they are set up as just another middleman, who will require a fee over and above the transaction fee upon the, to be reconciled blockchain. there is no need for that, really. all of these off chain settlement layers are just scams to be honest. BTC is slow and cumbersome by design, the devs could have made it much more user friendly (thus speedier) by increasing the block size but they refused to do that. they wanted BTC to be true to it's inception and didn't see a real need to change it's core. this was a very heated dispute and remains so to this day within the community. so much so that there was a hardfork which created a spin off of BTC, called Bitcoin Cash. they increased the block size which made payments not only remarkably fast but also very cheap (pennies). shortly after the split, BTC transactions were delayed by days with some being over a week to confirm and they were very costly depending upon what you were willing to pay to have it confirmed. Bitcoin Cash has rely had issues of it's own whereby they also split via a hard fork. prior to his latest for Cash, i was a big proponent of it, now... not so much. i guess what i am trying to say here is that there are other cryptos that will emerge as everyday payment mechanisms, that utilized their own blockchain and are very fast. it all depends upon consumer acceptance and which ones are forced down our throats by TPTB as to which ones will ultimately be the retail layer of crypto. it may be that several are accepted. there is also the layer where a company can issue it's own crypto (which theoretically would technically be called a 'token' (i also created a Cryptos thread to track these tokens)) that you can buy using, 'coin'. Kodak had it's own ICO last year. i haven't received any emails from them of late so i don'tow where they stand right now but just to give you a little teaser of what is out there and what is coming. i am still of the opinion that BTC will ultimately become an international settlement vehicle. if that is the case and i am correct, you can guess the value of each BTC as there will only ever be 21mm of them.
  10. 'Garbage compromise': Hannity warns Republicans not to back spending deal
  11. yeah, okay. sure. https://twitter.com/KamVTV/status/1095175646177710081
  12. ‘Heaven has a wall, a gate and a strict immigration policy. Hell has open borders. Let that sink in.’
  13. sure. sign it and get the rest of the money from other sources.
  14. the first four posts are relevant here. https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/1095149843029336064
  15. yeah, sexual abusers adore Trump because you know... his efforts to stop child trafficking.
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