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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. ummm.... it's not that i don't believe you, but i asked for substantiation. which if i have to spell it out for you, generally means and is understood that you need to give a link.
  2. i wonder if @Logic will come back and take ownership of his... meanderings.
  3. i must have missed the Dems offering up 5.7 in Dec. can you provide substantiation for your claim. TYIA
  4. @ExiledInIllinois apparently takes her serious. jus' sayin.....
  5. not to mention that if you owe the IRS any money, you can and will lose your passport.
  6. that's okay, The _Dudes got ya covered. how much money ya got? i can arrange a meeting.
  7. yeah, i dunno either. would the congresswoman take public transportation?
  8. https://twitter.com/dbongino/status/1095454563547660288
  9. https://twitter.com/joshieecs/status/1095368961561161729
  10. https://twitter.com/brithume/status/1095513909111476226
  11. this should be interesting. https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1095576069095084032
  12. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1095525738202128384
  13. you just can't make this ***** up. https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1095579094740217856
  14. what the hell is an, 'influencer'? more SJW crap??
  15. they'd be fools to pass on Kyler Murray. if they are that convinced on Rosen though, you trade that pick.
  16. if we had a truly honest main stream media these facts would be plastered from wall to wall and the real criminals would be on their way to Gitmo. oh, good. since he is so credible, when his investigation finds there was no Russian collusion behalf of Trump but the real collusion was by Hillary, the DNC and other assorted Dems, the public will undoubtedly have to believe him.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZz2HF5KtrY
  18. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1095329815270428672
  19. https://twitter.com/almostjingo/status/1095427509103906816 https://twitter.com/almostjingo/status/1095423514683658240
  20. this should be good. https://twitter.com/CalebJHull/status/1095411571503828992
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