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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/FullMeasureNews/status/1096484481291223041
  2. it's not the OP's fault that he is misunderstood.. in just about all of his threads. seriously.
  3. https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1096626967145783296
  4. is it surprising that 93% of the population can't walk and chew gum at the same time?
  5. were it your only trespass, sure. most sociopaths have many trespasses.
  6. please excuse my ignorance here. can you kindly quote me which part of the Constitution expressly prohibits this? TYIA lol. sorry.
  7. what exact violations of the Constitution are you referring to here?
  8. i am having an absolute hard time trying to understand the logic being employed here.
  9. this thread is about 2 weeks late. just get your period?
  10. how many people throughout the world might this include? the sheer numbers could potentially be staggering. just because they face harm in no way entitles them to become citizens of the US, sorry but it just doesn't. now, do they deserve the protections Americans enjoy, sure but that is an altogether different discussion.
  11. if you visit the Bitcoin thread, in this post, I posted an info-graphic from April of last year that lists many of the retailers who readily accept crypto. granted it is far from being accepted at every gas station as yet but as you will see, it is becoming widely accepted. more so as each day passes. it is the future, a natural evolution of where we are. most of your fiat today is already digital and moving more in that direction as each day passes as well. there are Stablecoins which are directly tied to fiat that are, as the moniker states, more stable in their held value. yes and no. with the evolution of the 7nm chip you can now mine at a profit with today's prices. 28/TH's @ 57 J/T. the profit margin is barely there but it is there at this level of Difficulty.
  12. a McCabe editorial in today's Atlantic. Every Day Is a New Low in Trump's White House
  13. i don't know if it's wise to double down on the stupid here.... https://twitter.com/Chris_1791/status/1096135508906827777
  14. things that make you go hmmm..... or, why didn't we think of that? https://twitter.com/PeterSweden7/status/1095790522587848704
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