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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/BreakingNLive/status/1097622229175672832 https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1097594949711802368
  2. no, that is still currently reserved only for traitors.
  3. what are you on about? the meme didn't speak to any left/right/liberal/conservative, that is your preconceived notions. it spoke to the US Dept of Agriculture and the US Dept of Interior. it is a very apt metaphor, much the same as the metaphor of giving a man a fish as opposed to teaching a man to fish. but let me guess, the fishing metaphor is a left/right/liberal/conservative construct, right?
  4. in other words, the metaphor is lost upon you?
  5. i wanted to get more of this than the 2 minute sound byte. wow, the whole interview is roughly 3 and one half hours long, she gets into a whole lot of topics. i kind of jumped through it to get to the relevant portion but in so doing, i have discovered that i will probably listen to the whole interview, it sounds that good. i have cued up the 'tube at the relevant position below so it starts where the whole discussion about the media begins. the 2 minute tweet sound byte is cut up so there is much more here. if you back it up just a little, she is going into when this whole war in the Middle East began (it is all one war) and how Iran was fighting along side of us in Iraq against Al-Qaeda but that they were on record/tape as saying that they still wanted to kill us. it is just that it was on hold and that they couldn't wait to kill us again. if you would like to get a better understanding of what is going on, not what the MSM wants you to believe, i would recommend giving her a listen. awesome stuff here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8004&v=IZlVx-phlPk
  6. this account will be one to keep an eye on. https://twitter.com/CharlieDeMar/status/1097579967309930496
  7. i don't remembering this posted so please excuse id itbeen. excellent thread. dated by just over a month but still a very good read. https://twitter.com/The_War_Economy/status/1083787769091117057
  8. but, you know.... they probably just didn't do it right this time.... https://twitter.com/GrrrGraphics/status/1097575255831400448
  9. https://twitter.com/POTUSPress/status/1097354573948293121
  10. how long till the weiner goes back in?
  11. Pentagon Chief Likely to Approve Border Wall Funding Request, Defense Official Says
  12. https://twitter.com/michellemalkin/status/1097195759231938560
  13. https://twitter.com/i/status/1097200119500472320
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IQ8vq3BbFc
  15. be on the lookout for Carlos Danger. https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1097207338199629824
  16. i think it goes much deeper than just Trump. as others have opined, Trump may have been selected to take the trash out and he is just the pinnacle that you/we see. there are many aspects to his presidency where it seems that events are more than just mere coincidence. which in turn would suggest that there is more in play than meets the eye. i am a firm believer that we are all part a larger consciousness and that that larger consciousness leaks out through all of us. there is no other way to explain some of the madness that we currently seeing exposed on the grand scale. thanks in large part to the internet, there is a convergence of the waking mind happening, throughout all of mankind. we are experiencing a quickening that is happening in that larger consciousness and we are fast approaching a correction of sorts.
  17. my biggest takeaway from it is that he lays out where he is going to take congressional findings under advisement and considers them non-binding. it's almost like he is begging them to pass a law or two or three.
  18. Q'd https://twitter.com/TeaBoots/status/1096744370928275456
  19. https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1097163257410977792
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