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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/TitaniaMcGrath/status/1098324271347175427
  2. OIG Summary Report: Stunning Implications ...While confusing in its wording, using publicly available information we can deduce what this letter charges, and it is quite stunning. First, the complicated statement: “The OIG found that as a result of conduct by two current senior FBI officials, and one retired FBI official, the FBI contractor engaged in certain inherent governmental activities in contravention of Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). Additionally, the OIG found that these three FBI officials did not adhere to Office of Management and Budget policy while managing the contractor. Further, the OIG found that the FBI contractor failed to adhere to personal conflict of interest rules under the FAR” Let’s take this in parts. First- the IG states that as a RESULT of conduct by two current senior FBI officials, and one retired, the FBI contractor engaged in inherent governmental activities. Well, what is an inherent government activity? As per the Office of Management and Budget, in clarifying the FAR (Federal Acquisiton Regulations) an inherent government activity is defined as the following: “The direction and control of intelligence and counterintelligence operations” (page 66) As Jeff Carlson reports: On April 18, 2016, Rogers shut down all outside contractor access to raw FISA information – specifically outside contractors working for the FBI. The discovery that outside contractors were accessing raw FISA data is probably the event that precipitated Rogers ordering a full compliance review (Page 84 of Court Ruling). It is revealed throughout this investigation and in a report issued in April 2017 by the FISC, that outside agencies, specifically the FBI Counterintelligence Division were routinely violating Section 702 procedure. As Jeff Carlson also reports in the detailed article referenced herein, Bill Priestap was the head of the FBI Counterintelligence Division during this time. From Jeff’s stunning piece, the timeline looks like this: On October 15, 2016 Carlin formally left the NSD On October 20 2016, Rogers was briefed by the NSA compliance officer on findings from the 702 NSA compliance audit. The audit had uncovered numerous “About” Query violations (Senate testimony). On October 21, 2016, Rogers shut down all “About Query” activity. He reported his findings to the DOJ (Senate testimony & inferences from Court Ruling). On October 21 2016, the DOJ & FBI seek and receive a Title I FISA probable cause order authorizing electronic surveillance on Carter Page from the FISA Court. At this point, the FISA Court is unaware of the Section 702 violations. As an aside, an interesting text message appears in the releases of the Strzok/Page texts. As the contractor queries are halted, I had found a text message sent on 4/30/16 between the two which states “And now we’ve switched from the Patriot Act to a wire carrying current” – a reference to the inability to continue to use NSA surveillance in their investigations. ...
  3. what... you're saying he ***** funny?
  4. https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1098306857045843968
  5. with what has gone on in this entire shitshow, i honestly wouldn't put anything past any of them. including, cloning the sheep herders (the tech is there).
  6. hearing whispers, speculating that McCabe has been given a deal to out the whole conspiracy. thereby putting the entire gang of 8 in the crosshairs of the prosecution.
  7. hell of a sync wink here... does anyone else find it somewhat ironic that this the exact scenario that was playing out in Virginia? a pre-karmic bite in the ass?
  8. i was just trying to give @The_Dude something to look forward to. he seemed pretty bummed.
  9. it's just nice to be winning again after 8 years of, meh.
  10. not sure exactly to what you are referring to here, Tibs. there are many..., what do i want to say here... levels/layers that could be the focus of your allegation. as a general statement though, i will say that i don't think obtaining damning information on your election opponent is against the law, which is what i 'think' was the objective of that meeting. let us not forget, there were many supposed Hillary/Obama operatives that were present at that meeting.
  11. Tibs, i look at facts and what has actually happened. you on the other hand take (and believe) the 'narrative' that is being pushed upon you. current facts are that there was no Russian collusion with Trump and Russia, in fact... there is more evidence of Democratic collusion with Russia and they have not been the intense focus of investigations nor the scourge of the main stream media. does not the fact that 99% of what the media blares out about Trump being #orangemanbad give you any pause at all? what about the facts that are slowly coming out about all these corrupt elite officials being compromised, does that in any way give you pause that the story you've been sold might not be on the level? what do you think about what Hillary said... paraphrased, 'if we lose, we're all gonna swing'? do you not see a parallel to this recent Smollette hoax and the passing of the anti-lynching bill the Senate? i can go on and on with the parallels but if these obvious ones don't resonate with you, i would t be wasting my time, so i will leave it there for now. if you are sincere about an honest discussion of these/this topic(s) we can continue.
  12. https://twitter.com/cnnbrk/status/1098006917769822208
  13. classy guy. https://twitter.com/APCentralRegion/status/1098061581651505154
  14. https://twitter.com/donkeyman909/status/1098047641089261568
  15. the third installment on this story... https://twitter.com/MZHemingway/status/1098012741602889728
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