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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. ? https://twitter.com/JoeConchaTV/status/1260407643669135360
  2. https://twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1260382012084572162
  3. congratulations. you made the, 'you're an idiot' list.
  4. he's on the, 'afraid to have his paradigm crumble because he would most likely be out drooling in the streets' list.
  5. personally, i would not be surprised to see both hyper inflation and hyper deflation occur at the same time. luxuries will crash and essentials will skyrocket. that being said, that hyper inflation did not come home to roost after four rounds of QE and then QE infinity, says something. what that is exactly is debatable but one things for sure, we are going to be living in some interesting times in the days ahead
  6. https://twitter.com/drefanzor/status/1259896454207832065
  7. https://twitter.com/JohnWHuber/status/1259992339935830022
  8. https://twitter.com/adamhousley/status/1260045138853683200 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbM1bW7GiuQ&feature=emb_logo
  9. yes, i will literally admit that it is you liberals who are trying to turn Trump into a dictator. no one else i know of is trying to do that. obviously, you need to look into the mirror to see your hysteria.
  10. https://twitter.com/NoahCRothman/status/1259932184829407233
  11. ah yes... the old guilty till proven innocent slant. in a liberal hellhole that logic might seem valid, thankfully this is the United States of America where you are innocent until proven guilty. much to the dismay of feelz and their desired narrative everywhere.
  12. thread here looking into this guy. interesting but use your discernment skills and take a grain of salt with some of these. https://twitter.com/PatriotsSoapbox/status/1259672674449702916 select tweets from the thread... https://twitter.com/PatriotsSoapbox/status/1259672680531472388 https://twitter.com/PatriotsSoapbox/status/1259711299023446017 https://twitter.com/PatriotsSoapbox/status/1259919728816029696
  13. i've a feeling that once the flood gates are opened, we will be getting a deluge.
  14. they already know who it is. me, i just want the guilty held accountable, whomever they may be. this can never, ever be allowed to happen again. there simply has to equality under the law, you don't deserve special status because you might be of a certain flavor.
  15. Fusion GPS again. back in 2012.
  16. i'll believe it when i see it with ol' Gonna Graham.
  17. more from the article: ... Fox News reported in 2017 that the disclosing of Flynn’s identity could be “a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison” because “rules state that if an American with Constitutional protections is collaterally caught in such surveillance, his or her identity must be protected.” ... from the Fox article on March 20, 2017: Gowdy presses Comey to unmask the unmasker ... Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., grilled FBI boss James Comey in a dogged bid to determine specifically who could have told the press former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn turned up on surveillance audio, a development that led to his firing. In a tense exchange, Gowdy, himself a former federal prosecutor, ticked off what sounded like his own short list of suspects. He asked which of former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan, Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch and ex-White House adviser Ben Rhodes could have known Flynn was caught on tape conferring with the Russian ambassador. Comey acknowledged all but Rhodes were privy to the information, the disclosing of which is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Comey said he did not know if Rhodes had access to such information. Gowdy said the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is in place to protect national security and allows spying on certain foreign agents. Rules state that if an American with Constitutional protections is collaterally caught in such surveillance, his or her identity must be protected. ...
  18. document. https://twitter.com/JohnWHuber/status/1259999528910032903
  19. i really wish he would of started doing this a long time ago. https://twitter.com/JennaEllisEsq/status/1259975939611602945
  20. good ol' sunshine for that Vitamin D.
  21. https://twitter.com/TitanJenn/status/1259919415258148864
  22. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    it will actually happen in roughly 45 minutes. Bitcoin Halving Countdown https://twitter.com/CoinDesk/status/1259898564710469635 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl14MfzW1Mg&feature=emb_logo
  23. somebody needs to tweet that to Trump.
  24. https://twitter.com/DrNealHouston/status/1259874024076836865
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