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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. stop being a putz. are you that small that you have to continue something in a different thread? oh, wait... i've read your other posts.....
  2. not to minimize what is happening but... these two nations have been fighting each other for an eon or two.
  3. the Chinese pilfering goes back to the Clinton administration. they have been stealing/buying intel just under the veil for some time now.
  4. i would think about possibly stop following him. not only is that crazy, but above 45% and above 55% doesn't add up.
  5. https://twitter.com/JohnPhillips/status/1099290641979322374
  6. https://twitter.com/ChuckRossDC/status/1100099720406618114
  7. https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1099797854149795840
  8. i'm thinking the way karma is biting therm in the ass rather quickly these days, investigations might start to look into how these congressional critters became millionaires. that is probably the real investigation that needs to be conducted.
  9. can i ask you a serious question, Tibs? what would have to happen for you to admit that Trump is not all bad? further, what would have to happen for you to see that what the man is doing is good for America? i don't want /am not looking for an answer of, he sucks he will never be good... i want to know what it will take for you to have a come to Jesus moment.
  10. you are being blinded by the brain washing of the MSM. extract that virus!
  11. i'm guessing you missed the sarcasm due to the many blows to the noggin you have endured.
  12. Dems setting precedent that always comes back to bite them in the ass.
  13. really?? i'll be damned, who would have guessed that.
  14. well, to be honest Trump is only correcting a long time wrong. it is not Trumps fault that trade imbalances exist, they are a byproduct of the previous, what... 40/50 years of our elite's wrong headed views. while these trade imbalances might have been a good idea at some point in the past, the point where they turned into bad ideas has long passed. sometimes taking a step backwards in order to go forward in a better more prosperous way is required. Trump is doing what needs to be done by doing the heavy lifting. i understand that some are going through pains with this process but the fault for that lies at the feet of previous administrations for not dealing with it prior. as you can see, these policies are beginning to bear fruit as we have the new NAFTA, the USMCA which is a lot more fair to America. China is determined to correct the trade imbalance that exists. cheer up, things are turning around for the better. we really do have a populist president, it is just that the media and the Left don't want you to understand that.
  15. are you kidding? @The_Dude would tie him up and drive him there if he had to.
  16. https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1096465412277952512
  17. i honestly think that the collective Bills fan base's mind has melted. 19 years of suckitude has devolved into a discussion of the merits of accuracy versus precision, in the game of football. yes, that's right, football. where we measure things in yards. words of wisdom for y'all, they are synonyms, in the game of, football. they are interchangeable, they mean the same exact damn thing. when the hell is the combine?? the draft?? oye........
  18. i have solar power. i love it. it helped that there are incentives from the federal government as well as the state government. also, on top of that, there is the NYSERDA grant. i did this three years ago and in another three years, my out of pocket expenses will have been paid back. this will then give me 19 years of free electricity.
  19. McConnell hopes to trap Democrats in their own Green New Deal Senate Republicans will force Democrats and several of their presidential candidates to go on record as soon as next week on a Green New Deal plan that has attracted ridicule and split the party. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is fast-tracking a Green New Deal resolution through the Senate, enabling a vote as early as next week. ...
  20. no place to put this really, so it goes here. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1099651121088466946
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