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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i articulate just fine. you're just upset because i don't trust any opinion you have on any/all quarterbacks anymore.
  2. that's what this is, isn't it? i mean, that's what the Democrats would have us think, right?
  3. yes, but are they well articulated?
  4. https://twitter.com/_chickmiko/status/1101607206187720704
  5. https://twitter.com/TreyYingst/status/1101605256658595841
  6. https://twitter.com/BreakingNLive/status/1101610338045358083
  7. too low of a credit score? too few social points? no worries, you can't go anywhere. https://twitter.com/sotiridi/status/1101581213750493185
  8. sure to be heard within the next two weeks... https://twitter.com/JohnWHuber/status/1101605380008955911
  9. i dunno... we had this good bud one time and smoked with a girl at work who had, 'tried it' before. she flipped out. they called an ambulance and we got fired. i hear the strains today are even more potent..
  10. you've read his quarterback analysis threads, right?
  11. but, but you just said.... 'whatever flower i want... and do with it what i want....'. some arbiter of truth you turned out to be.
  12. cool, so i can grow and cultivate poppy?
  13. i did, Plenz. i did however delete it after quickly rereading what you wrote. i conflated what you had in parentheses with the rest of your sentence and thus got the context wrong, so i deleted it. ..."If it were true that the MSM is so over the top agasint Trump( i admit they lean left) could it be it is because he continually tells outright lies and mistruths?..." what i had said was.... "come on, Plenz. you don't think the media just suddenly turned left do you?" my bad.
  14. https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle/status/1101535680805494784
  15. Baba Yega https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1101254303132602368
  16. https://twitter.com/JohnWHuber/status/1101505698674999297
  17. https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1101557064239931392
  18. we all know @DC Tom is the biggest idiot here. so, there is that. however, and i can't believe i have to say this but... chances are that when more than one person here is telling you the same thing, it would be best to reexamine your premise. it may simply be that you have not presented it in the best possible way or it may be that, indeed, you're a moron. the choice is yours to decide. as @Buffalo_Gal and @Deranged Rhino pointed out in a very thoughtful and considerate manner, honest thought out discussion is welcomed no matter what point of the spectrum you come from. critical thinking can be the hardest thing at times but should not be impossible. leaps of logic are often where that critical thinking falters.
  19. it goes without saying that big girl panties are required at all times. a self effacing attitude with the ability to say, i may be wrong helps. when you start out saying, 'gosh i hate coming to PPP', well, you have set the tone before you have even started. he missed the point completely. he thinks it is all about insulting one another, when that is the furthest thing this place is about. yet be prepared to be called an idiot when you are being an idiot. if you can understand that your being an idiot, well... your on your way.
  20. sure, i am a stoner from way back. i can't remember the last time i imbibed though, it has been a good number of years. with that said, it does impair one ability. the degree to which it does is probably debatable though.
  21. actually, the ever expanding nanny-state is running out of revenue sources and making pot legal is just another blatant money grab to line their coffers. do you honestly think they care what the plebs want?
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