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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/ChuckRossDC/status/1261380658460454915
  2. :sigh: i wish her well but... you just can't make this ***** up. https://twitter.com/jakecoco/status/1261372969147699201
  3. https://twitter.com/brithume/status/1260729970349015040
  4. https://twitter.com/MarkBednar/status/1261264638517313536
  5. you know it was only a matter of time before this began. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1261275537365852160
  6. you're lucky i'm such a nice guy. start here and read forward. if you really want to discover what is going on, you'll do the rest yourself. if you come back with some lame excuse that you seem to be so good at, i'll know your not serious about being educated and are nothing more than a troll.
  7. tell me oh great and wonderful, if his guilt is so resolved, why isn't he sentenced and the case over and done with? hint: because it isn't resolved...
  8. you actually argued the premise, motive. if you are not guilty of the underlying crime, what then is your motive for obstructing your innocence? there you go again, arguing a standard that doesn't exist, exoneration.
  9. just for you, idiot. Sixth, should further edification be necessary, see Why Innocent People Plead Guilty, written in 2014 by federal Judge Jed Rakoff (a Clinton appointee). Abusive prosecutors force innocent people to plead guilty with painful frequency. The Mueller special counsel operation led by Andrew Weissmann and Weissmann “wannabes” specializes in prosecutorial terrorist tactics repulsive to everything “justice” is supposed to mean. These tactics are designed to intimidate their targets into pleading guilty—while punishing them and their families with the process itself and financial ruin. Most important, General Flynn was honest with the FBI agents. They knew he was—and briefed that to McCabe and others three different times. At McCabe’s directions, Agent Strzok and McCabe’s “Special Counsel” Lisa Page, altered the 302 to create statements Weissmann, Mueller, Van Grack, and Zainab Ahmad could assert were false. Only the FBI agents lied—and falsified documents. The crimes are theirs alone. you're a special kind of dense aren't you?
  10. already explained it to you but since you seem to lack any semblance of reading comprehension, i'll offer this... if i were you, i wouldn't hold my breath.
  11. i'd quit while i was behind if i was you until you actually did some discovery with regard here.
  12. so... wait... let me see if i have this right... ? you're arguing standing in a case you know absolutely nothing about? wait.... yeah, no. were you not such a *****head, i ordinarily would help you out but since your such a insufferable self absorbed jerk, you can do your own research. and when you discover the merits of the case... go ahead and get back to me again and explain how Flynn has deserved everything he has gotten and how this is just normal prosecution. idiot.
  13. please excuse this being a couple days old. i meant to post it but have been very busy of late and forgot. additionally, i don't think i saw it posted in my catch up. posted mainly for the first one but i included the second as well for the article. https://twitter.com/mikebravodude/status/1260693688130383872
  14. lol, clueless is saying the exact same thing i said only with word salad and then claiming it clueless. you are the one who claimed, exoneration' not i. again there is a legal argument that argues whether or not one can be guilty of obstruction if one is not guilty of the crime being investigated. as for intent, lol... the investigation found no collusion. tell me you have enough brian cells to be able to put two and two together.
  15. so... all the Brady material that they initially denied Flynn but subsequently found by Jensen is not a miscarriage of justice? you're an idiot.
  16. exoneration is not a legal standard. a level of presumed guilt is however and because there was not an acceptable level proven, it is determined that he is therefore innocent.
  17. you are an idiot.
  18. the problem is... both ends work against the middle. neither have yours, nor my best interests at heart, it is all about propping up the establishment, regardless of the angle. turn off the ***** tv. you're an idiot. undermining a sitting administration that had days left on the calendar. this is the hill you want to die on, eh?
  19. i'll tell you what is undermining... that would be placing sanctions on another super power days before the end of your term.
  20. there is an argument whereby, that if you didn't commit the crime you are being investigated for, theoretically you can't obstruct something you didn't do.
  21. @transplantbillsfan hacked bangs account. ?
  22. with the free NFL Game Pass that the NFL has been so kind to give away, i have been watching a lot of the older games. i think that is of Barr, not Suggs. last night i watched that Minnesota game from Josh's rookie year, he owned Barr that game, got him good a couple times including that infamous leap. what struck me most though from that game was just how horrible our receivers were in '18. watching Josh throw to the likes of Benjamin, Jones, Holmes and Clay was incredibly horrid.
  23. lol, no... your not allowed because you lost a bet. if you want to assign blame, perhaps you might look in the mirror? 'tis not my fault you make ill fated predictions. without you being able to jinx us though, Josh just might be the man. btw, Bills Nation... your welcome.
  24. you know... if these Johnny Come-Latelys had an understanding of not so long ago history, they might remember some of the things that were spoken by Paul Wolfowitz. some underlying truths in the war for the central banks and the waging of it by the Clinton/Bush cabal, of which the Obamanation was nothing more than an extension thereof.
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