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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i think the Soros Cubicle Farm Oligarch informed them that they needed to deflect, hence the re-title.
  2. who's not reading posts now? did i ever say you were of a certain political persuasion? i said what you were saying was what are Dem talking points.
  3. should never go for a penis enlargement surgery.
  4. has it really been 30 years already? seems like just yesterday. getting old sucks...
  5. i'm sure he is. what he is responding to are the points that you are making that are straight out of a DNC playbook.
  6. well, that would be the forefathers who had the wisdom to implement the EC. they obviously saw a situation where the tyranny of the majority could rule the nation and that is what they railed against. the system has served us well for over 200 years. it is not outdated as some might like to posit.
  7. i think it more probable that he talked to some former players of Williams...
  8. so again, what is wrong with the current design then? where does it fail other than the all or nothing for a state as you say? the all or nothing prevents the tyranny of the majority. do not forget, we are a republic, not a democracy.
  9. yep, you simply can't predict when a solar flare will launch in the direction of the Earth or any which way.
  10. it was designed with a certain purpose in mind. it works as intended and i would rather trust the forethought of our fore fathers than the johnny come lately approach because it didn't give them what they feel they should get.
  11. ? are you saying the Carrington Event never happened?
  12. Papadopoulous has been saying Rome involvement for some time now. https://twitter.com/GeorgePapa19/status/1104382847517786114
  13. please elaborate on these, "litany of offenses" that Trump has committed. TYIA
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