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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. back in the day, it was Elephant Beer. a California Brew Haus tradition.
  2. when you have a dearth of talent in many places, yes, you draft for need. when you reach a certain level, then you can draft BPA.
  3. everyone i know here, on this plane, is on a one way ticket.
  4. ahh, baloney. that kid is lucky he just got B word slapped.
  5. all points agreed. i can't say for sure because i have no experience but i'm guessing war has traumatized the young lad. the wars of today are not the same wars our fathers fought, there are no rules anymore. i can't imagine the hell he lived through. i guess when you have limited means, you fight the fight that gives you the best chance of winning. i'm not real big on the US hegemony though, i have never believed we should be the worlds policeman. and it's not so much that we have been the world's policeman, more that we have been working on behalf of the petrodollar. that however is a different argument altogether.
  6. you might not agree with what is being said, but for a good look at the situation outside of the MSM propaganda, Moon of Alabama has a few good threads on the situation. as with everything, your discernment is a must but having an open mind helps in most situations.
  7. not smart, just had to use my time judiciously and this kind of thing really bothers me so it was low on my list of priorities. if true @The_Dude has been banned, that sucks but I guess a line has to be drawn somewhere. though i rarely agreed with his musings, it is good to have crazy within ones sights, just so as you can get a glimpse into the madness.
  8. there is an obvious disconnect and it isn't limited to just politics.
  9. glad i have been too busy to peruse this thread... till today.
  10. https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/1106647596074971139
  11. is Vrabel trying to get out of Tennessee?
  12. Yesterday, Graham on the Floor. Graham Floor Speech on Resolution Calling for Release of the Mueller Report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NThdVMFAO0s "It is now time to have a Special Council look in all things 2016, not just Trump".
  13. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1106530581947564032
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