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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. see, this is why you are a world-class twit. you can't even get your attempted barbs right. idiot, BTC did touch 20k in 4Q2017. my projection was that it would reach 6 figures 4Q2018. regardless of whether or not i was wrong, i owned my failed projection. i also own my belief that it will get there and beyond at some point. i don't believe you've ever personally attacked me, nor do i really care. what you do do, is assault my senses on an almost daily basis with your inanity. now ***** off.
  2. not lost in the responses is the fact that of all the leftists that love to come down to the dungeon and spout their TDS at everyone, only @Tiberius (though he is still playing his game of denial) has had the temerity to show his face. will @ExiledInIllinois or @WhitewalkerInPhilly, amongst others have the dignity to make an appearance and at the very least admit they were wrong? i doubt it...
  3. just learned this morning that a friend of mine is missing in the Nebraska clamity. his wife contacted me to let me know that he is missing, they are searching for him everyday but as you can imagine, conditions on the ground are not really conducive to a comprehensive search right now. if it behooves you, let your thoughts be with this man and his family. Man missing after Spencer Dam collapse is identified A Nebraska man who is still missing after floodwaters demolished the Spencer Dam on Thursday has been identified.  Emergency Management Director Douglas Fox confirmed that Kenny Angel is missing. Angel lived on the Holt County side of the Niobrara River, Fox said, and was in his house near the dam when he went missing. His family has been unable to be reached. ...
  4. you wouldn't think, that in America, you would need an EO enforcing free speech. yet... here we are. ? https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1108833896253186048 Trump signs executive order to promote free speech on college campuses ... A senior administration official said the order directs 12 grant-making agencies to use their authority in coordination with the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to ensure institutions that receive federal research or education grants promote free speech and free inquiry. White House officials have said it will apply to more than $35 billion in grants. Public universities seeking funding would have to certify they comply with the First Amendment, which already applies to them. Private universities, which have more flexibility in limiting speech, would need to commit to their own institutional rules. ...
  5. i dunno, at least with @The_Dude he made arguments whether you agreed or not, he was capable of reason (flawed as it was). I like Tibs because he points to the DNC talking points and I know where that mindset is at. BM however is a total buffoon. how else can you describe someone who constantly asks about 911 theories in every thread? he thinks that gives him a leg up when what he doesn't understand that he is just showing more of that world-class twitery.
  6. i pride myself on not having ever put anyone on ignore. that stands a good chance of falling by the wayside though. he is, by far, the worst poster i have ever seen and trust me, i have seen a lot of bad posters.
  7. they did that once already. i think Maduro regrets releasing him at this point.
  8. https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1108571262639575040
  9. https://twitter.com/BreakingNLive/status/1108714054229655552
  10. it is nothing more than an attempt by the Left to buy votes. other than the PR they would get, they could care less about reparations.
  11. micro-dosing is said to do the same thing.
  12. you're a sad *****, do you know that? you got absolutely nothing so you resort to attacking anything that questions the sanctioned narrative. i am becoming more and more convinced that you are a tool. don't let your paradigm crash and burn you *****.
  13. relevant to the discussion between Joe and GG. JPMorgan agrees $13 billion settlement with U.S. over bad mortgages ... JPMorgan finally took its punishment on Tuesday, agreeing to a $13 billion settlement with the U.S. government to settle charges that the bank overstated the quality of mortgages it was selling to investors in the run-up to the financial crisis. The Department of Justice trumpeted its settlement as a big step toward holding banks accountable for their behavior before the financial crisis. The behavior that the largest U.S. bank admitted to, authorities said, is at the heart of what inflated the housing bubble: lenders making bad mortgages and selling them to investors who thought they were relatively safe. When the loans started turning bad, investors lost faith in the banking system, and a housing crisis turned into a financial crisis. The Justice Department said in its statement that JPMorgan acknowledged it had regularly and knowingly sold mortgages to investors that should have never been sold. But JPMorgan’s Chief Financial Officer, speaking on a conference call, said the bank had not admitted to violating any laws. CFO Marianne Lake added that the facts the bank admitted to did not leave it vulnerable in other litigation. In other words, the bank and the government did not agree about what they had agreed to in the settlement, capping weeks of squabbling over the terms of the deal. At issue in Tuesday’s settlement was the long chain of companies between lenders giving mortgages to consumers during the mortgage bubble and the investors that ultimately forked over the money to fund the loans. Often smaller lenders would make subprime mortgage loans, and sell them to a bank, which would package loans into bonds, and in turn sell them to investors. With so many middlemen, investors had poor information about what they were buying, and capital flowed to loans that arguably should never have been made. ...
  14. so, the anti-older white male party is going to nominate an older white male to run as it's candidate? who could have guessed this???
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