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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Tibs, for a moment, can you disregard what Trump says and the MSM focused attempted coup narrative is. for a minute, can you look at what Trump has actually done as President and admit that he has done a number of good things and is the populist president everyone on the Left wanted elected?
  2. congratulations, you're turning the corner. everyone has to start someplace. just remain objective in your analysis and for god's sake, do not buy the MSM narrative, hook line and sinker.
  3. uh oh, you are inquiring as to the inner workings of a hive mind? be on the look out for that hive mind explanation.
  4. ODS? is that supposed to be Obama Derangement Syndrome? i don't believe you can find many of my posts directed at Obama. it would stand to reason if I had this, ODS, that would be ranting about him here, there and everywhere. amirite? huh huh??
  5. Thank you all who have commented. Much appreciated. I know that the prospects aren't good, but we cling to that hope.
  6. herein lies the problem with the analysis and why it essentially is/was a waste of time/effort.... in a way, it is also an unbalanced attempt to prove a negative. why was not the speed of the pitch considered in catchable/uncatchable? why was not the sun blinding/not blinding a receiver considered? why was not the defenders coverage considered? why was not the bunions on the receivers feet considered? why was not.... which is why, 'completion percentage' is probably the best metric we have to determine how a QB is doing with regard. not some silly effort directed at a subjective analysis that in no way can possibly measure up to the positive of a 'completion percentage'. which is right where you have landed with your attempt to prove a negative. look, i understand that we all have BDS (Bills Derangement Syndrome) and want more than anything for Allen to be the next Kelly (or better) and as such, some of us will try to make any argument we can to convince ourselves that he is the man we have been waiting for. i want more than anything for him to be that guy as well but nothing, absolutely nothing is going to change the fact that he only completed 52% of his passes last year. you can try to look at it through rose colored glasses and say well, this, this and that and if that woks for you, fine. myself i prefer to reside in reality, the fact of the matter remains, he completed 52% of his passes last year. hopefully he will continue on his upward trajectory he embarked upon after returning from injury last year. I want to see him continue along that path this year and if he does, well... i think we should be on our way. however, creating silly items to make it so, will not make it so.
  7. if i were you. what is that even supposed to mean? agreed, you should let go of your TDS, it has really blinded you to the realities on the ground.
  8. to my way of thinking, it is not really his fault. if anything, he is guilty of being a sheeple. the propaganda press is the problem. they have so blatantly brainwashed the (m)asses that anything they spill will be lapped up without hesitation by the sheeple. the sheeple trust the press to do their thinking for them so they don't have to take the time to find the truth out for themselves. If anything, hopefully this is a wake up call and a shock to the system so severe that many of these sheeple are awoken from the stupor that the MSM has placed over them and they learn that the media should not be trusted. i also can't wait for the civil litigation that is invariably going to be directed at the lame stream media for their direct malfeasance with regard to objective reporting. NBC is the only one that is subject to FCC sanctions. CNN is a cable enterprise so they are not subject to FCC but they will feel the pain as well. one would think you guys would be mad as hell at the MSM for feeding you bull#### for well over two years. is the TDS that bad?
  9. https://twitter.com/MrX_U812/status/1109275755425529856 by law. you know that thing that should apply all down the line regardless of the feelz from the Left. it was a slam against your slam. you know I haven't read the report yet.
  10. kudos for having some temerity. though your admittance with a half handed rebuttal as to everything else is kind of wrongheaded. you do understand that those who were indicted were indicted for process crimes (crimes relating to the investigation (most likely entrapped as well)) and had absolutely nothing to do with Russian collusion, right? the real swamp draining is about to begin. i suggest you get some popcorn while there is still some left. this is not personal, it is just apparent that this is/was the biggest political crime in history. and that is what i am against. it is time for the real crooks to go to jail and for the rule of law to apply to everyone, equally. i am glad to see you admit you were wrong. cheers
  11. for @ExiledInIllinois just to ease you in to what's coming so your TDS doesn't completely break you. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvVX0uaArvN/ these people have been right all along, i suggest you start to listen to them.
  12. obviously not, Carp man. really don't have to at this pont to know that it is a great big giant nothing burger. i doubt you can see that yet though. no worries however, there is a strong chance that it, or a complete summation of it will be released by the end of this weekend. then you can start doing your Rachel Maddow act in full. you're funny. Barr will do what he can and is allowed to do.
  13. https://twitter.com/seanmdav/status/1109269445002842112 and, of course... our very own, @Deranged Rhino
  14. FBI clashed with DOJ over potential 'bias' of source for surveillance warrant: McCabe-Page texts ... "Strong operational need to have in place before Monday if at all possible, which means to ct tomorrow," Page added. "I communicated you and boss's green light to Stu earlier, and just sent an email to Stu asking where things stood. This might take a high-level push. Will keep you posted." ...
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