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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Thanks, Nanker. Conditions on the ground are slowly improving however, nothing to report as yet.
  2. it's kinda like mom always said... everything you say before the word 'but', is all horseshit.
  3. this is the biggest problem with the Trump/Russian collusion meme that has been pushed by the coup plotters and their minions, the prostitute press. they have indoctrinated a good portion of the sheeple so bad that, no amount of truth, nor how you give it to them will ever let their TDS subside. in the face of an appointment of a special prosecution team designed to find the truth with all of the state of the art tools of the state, that has found no evidence of any collusion whatsoever, these braindead/brainwashed people will continue to believe there was collusion by Trump, no matter what. for this reason, there are others but for this reason alone, all of them should have the book thrown at them. the plotters, the financiers, the fictitious story line creators, the pundits, the news outlets... all of them. they are all complicit in what is perhaps the greatest political hoax of all time. it needs to be prosecuted so that it will not happen again, ever or for a really really long time.
  4. right? i was thinking the same thing and wondered if i would be allowed on the course with those pants.
  5. just... because. https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1109594262868557827
  6. DR, he stills believes it. still. believes. it. somebody has to tell you. you apparently can't see the Forest for the trees, so....
  7. i think we had to know that since they found out the Mueller report was going to be a giant nothing burger, they have been crafting their spin and they have had at least three weeks to formulate that spin. once we see that it is being spun on all the TDS stations, we will know what was crafted.
  8. thank you for your thoughtful reply. the only thing i would only say, is to read DR's response and give it some thought. anything i would add would not do justice to his response.
  9. $100mm?? so, he is going to be an average LB? at the rate things are going...
  10. so, you are saying your previous post where you claimed the Trump Tower meeting was collusion was a faux pas on your behalf?
  11. may i ask in what way you think it was collusion and apparently Mueller did not?
  12. it was a comment directly pointed at the belief that Trump committed collusion with Russia. since you brought it up though, can i ask what you don't believe about the coup conspiracy? i mean, there is beginning to be an overwhelming amount of evidence being revealed that is pointing to exactly that. your thoughts are appreciated.
  13. that's not what happened. you are attempting to quote out of context. repeat, he was not convicted of anything related to Russian collusion. there simply was none.
  14. no disrespect Tibs but... this is a disingenuous post of *****ery to a direct question.
  15. and i am pointing out that that is typical hive mind reasoning. jus' razzing ya... somewhat.
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