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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. no. reading comprehension is your friend. DR posted it for you, read it again. Flynn was telling the FBI what he didn't say.
  2. the case is not eligible for appeal at this point. the case has not yet been disposed.
  3. you referring of course to the sanctions that were put on Russia at the 11th hour, the 29th of December to be exact. or put another way... twenty days before the end of the Obamanation. let me ask you a question and i hope to get an honest answer.... do you think perhaps it might have been, not only prudent but respectful to let the next administration deal with any such sanctions seeing how they were going to be the ones in power?
  4. serious question... r u off your meds today? seriously because that is not what you are trying to imply it is. in context it was, " It wasn't, "Don't do anything...""
  5. wow! talk about your classic projection. what a total load of horseshit...
  6. i mean... you are aware that there is still another portion of the Senate Intel report on Russian Collusion due out, right? as such, the final conclusion has not yet been rendered.
  7. so... you're suggesting that there should have been no transition of power? that there should have been no preliminary discussions between in incoming administration and the second largest nuclear power on the planet? alrighty then...
  8. oh the outrage! why wasn't wILiAm mIlLeR prosecuted? https://twitter.com/iamJadePA/status/1266587703174406145 you ***** tool.
  9. https://twitter.com/ReporterBlayne/status/1266561823958020096
  10. again, why are you such a tool. tell me you understand that the man, while the center of the storm, is the one trying to be torn down by those whom he threatens. all that collateral you see in that picture, guess what...that is your guys work.
  11. riiiiigggghhhhtttt..... because words are so much more damaging than physical actions. to a freaking SJW nut anyways.....
  12. stop being such a tool for once would ya. what happened was nothing out of the ordinary that has been happening for a long time. it is known as the transition of power from one administration to another. it is a prudent action for there to be preliminary discussions before the actual date arrives so that there is no downtime. what was unprecedented was the Oministration's obstruction of that transfer of power. you don't impose sanctions on another super power in your last days to attempt to box in the next incoming administration, yet that is exactly what they did. the Obamanation was upset that his legacy was going to be destroyed and his policies abandoned and that the Islamic State that he so loves was going to be held accountable. the FBI was going to clear Flynn until the 7th floor got involved and they quite possibly got their marching orders from on high. i suggest you read the transcript(s) and do some critical thinking of your own for once.
  13. https://twitter.com/HansMahncke/status/1266485461469577217
  14. this offer has just been extended to July 31st. myself, with no other sports to watch (outside of the recently restarted NASCAR), i have been putting this complimentary offer to good use.
  15. https://twitter.com/Tore_says/status/1266352023684952066
  16. so... https://twitter.com/justinjm1/status/1266445008066002945
  17. https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1266351098555703299 abstract
  18. https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1266439647741149184
  19. this is the second post where you try to control the conversation (like your others don't , right?) just move along if it doesn't interest you.
  20. this seems like a good post for today, though his memorial will have wait at least another year. https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1264871344413585408
  21. the video and the recordings. https://www.bitchute.com/video/4yuDRLb4z79j/
  22. food for thought? https://twitter.com/Bruno062418/status/1261665517158518790
  23. https://twitter.com/DC_Draino/status/1261096369089101830
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