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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. so... i can put my silver bullets away or should i keep them within reachin' distance for all those ***** vampires on the Left?
  2. great. more subjective plays get to be reviewed. hate this move. is the NFL reflective of society? with everything going on, one would sure think so.
  3. here's hoping she pulls through for you.
  4. i was expecting a false flag to draw attention away from Mueller's Report. this probably isn't that but is sure is a big ol' red herring and accomplishes the same damn thing.
  5. i agree. i just don't think that you can outlaw things of this nature. the conspiracy theorist in me says that if it is outlawed and we can not view it, how do we know that what was/is claimed, actually happened. disclaimer: i may have seen too many movies.... as for someone who enjoys watching thing such as this, i don't think you can lock them up forever for that but it quite definitely could be a warning sign of a personality disorder that may portend other things that actually may be criminal.
  6. $19 for 2 dble cheezburgers, 2 medium fries, a chikun sammy and a water? holy crap! never cared for the warmer myself never knew how long they were in there and they usually tasted like crap if they were in there for longer than two minutes.
  7. exactly what is the issue with posting the video of the massacre and the manifesto? i didn't choose to watch or read, did you?
  8. man, i just love dogs. https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1110105147177201664
  9. he's having a really bad day. not only did he get indicted in NY, he got indicted in LA too. karma's a B word. Michael Avenatti Faces Extortion Charges in New York, Bank and Wire Fraud Charges in California
  10. what is the solution/alternative, Gugs? censorship? no, if you don't like the direction something is taking, steer it where you want it to go. you did start this thread after all.
  11. i was gonna go with slash's response but since he beat me to it... craigs list. people will take anything.
  12. there does seem to be a chasm developing in the narrative being displayed by the various TDS networks. most notably, MSNBC and the Washington Post appear to be really questioning what happened the last 3 years.
  13. https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1109920262533849088
  14. https://twitter.com/piersmorgan/status/1109904950769930240
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