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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Clayton Bigsby https://twitter.com/NetworksManager/status/1115656771933175814
  2. you admitted you were wrong. shame that you let yourself be sucked back in by the deep staters who have lied to you for over three years. you were on the verge of removing that TDS implant they embedded deep in your psyche. my condolences.
  3. i thought you came out and admitted you were wrong when Barr issued his summary. you backed away from the ledge. don't tell me you have been sucked back in by the same prostitutes that have lied to you repeatedly for the last three years.
  4. Barr wouldn't say whether the White House has seen or will see the report before its release: what does it matter, as President, Trump has the right to view the report before congress if he wants to. he also has the right to view it in all it's glory, also known as unredacted. Congress will not see the unredacted version of the report: this is in compliance with the law. Barr wouldn't say Trump is wrong about obstruction: he said/she said crap... really? Barr had a head start on what was in the Mueller report: most likely, the bottom line conclusions.
  5. Candace Owens - white nationalist
  6. i can respect this reply, Bob. a lot of the accomplishments have not directly affected me either, more so, indirectly. and those indirect effects are greatly appreciated because they are affecting my fellow Americans. they say that a tide raises all boats eventually, so while i may not be an immediate beneficiary of all of his actions, i firmly believe i will in some way in the future to come. after watching and experiencing 8 years of Obama trying to turn this great country into a 3rd world class society in every and all respects, i have great hope and faith that we are again on the right course to restore who and what we are to the free world. the world would only become much more dangerous if those who seek to destroy her accomplished their nefarious goals.
  7. https://twitter.com/RepDougCollins/status/1115649371201245185 3 more to come.
  8. just a few off the top of my head here... has ended the US participation of the conflict in Syria. will be ending the US participation in Afghanistan soon. is the only President to have actively engaged N. Korea in nuclear disarmament/peace talks. is negotiating fair trade deals with many countries, soon to have one with our largest trade partner, China.. has redone NAFTA. despite massive push back, is actively trying to halt illegal immigration (more and more Democrats and even the propaganda press are coming around to admitting he is/was right. getting NATO to pay their fair share of that pact. lowered your taxes, thereby putting more money in your pocket. the economy is booming with more jobs than there are people actively looking for work. as a result, wages are increasing, organically. lowest unemployment number for minorities in decades if not ever. what else.... there is more but if you can't acknowledge these accomplishments, you may want to seek professional help in having TDS surgically removed.
  9. i would venture to say that you do not. actions speak much louder than words my friend. Trump has done more good for all Americans than any president in recent memory. that is a fact.
  10. many Americans do not think Trump cares about them because that is the narrative being pushed by the deep staters and their propaganda arm, the main stream media.
  11. and this is essentially the basis of SJW nonsense. when you don't deal with the underlying problem of matters, they fester and find a way to exacerbate themselves, which is where we find ourselves today. the abscesses need to be lanced and the infection aired out in order to be healed. Trump is calling out the foundation of many of the problems and those who don't want to hear the truths are the ones in need of a rattle to give them comfort.
  12. https://twitter.com/dcexaminer/status/1115492051615924224
  13. i guess this could go here because this will directly affect the ability of the House to look into Trump's finances. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1115256967788990464 i hope this bites them in the ass.
  14. but, but... your a bunch of conspiracy nuts here on Billschan https://twitter.com/MinorStrmMedia/status/1112441641334439936
  15. for starters... you ***** off would be an instant improvement.
  16. does anyone else find it ironic that a thread, whom the OP states, main goal is to improve and 'beautify' PPP, is amongst the worst threads here? mainly due to the OP's postings within it, of course.
  17. your contributions here, in PPP are essentially worthless.
  18. as has been pointed out, a trade up is more likely than a trade back. we signed what... 15 FA's and have 10 draft picks in the upcoming draft. if it does turn out we trade back, i want high draft picks for next years draft. trading up to get Quinnen Williams would be my ideal, pressure up the middle is how you wreck offensive plans. then perhaps trade back into the late first to grab N'Keal Harry or maybe a OT.
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