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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. one little nugget that that i haven't seen mentioned by others yet is what Barr said about redacting within the report. i forget exactly to whom he said it but at the last second before getting cut off by a Senator, Barr stated that 'redactions can cut both ways'. meaning, i think, that things the Dems would not want out there are potentially being removed from sight. i think this may portend to some of the conclusions by Mueller and quite possibly a different area of focus that could potentially blindside the Democrats.
  2. i thought it was illegal for the CIA to spy on American citizens on US soil?
  3. we should probably relabel the two wings of the bird. the tolerant and the intolerant.
  4. https://twitter.com/joshgerstein/status/1115980638845308928
  5. Kennedy had a good time on the stage. he raised the reasons why things can't be done. i hope the Democrats were listening and paying attention.
  6. super delegates are all that matters in the DNC anymore, they are not bound thanks to the DNCC. the primaries are just more dog and pony crap.
  7. and then he'll cry if he gets mocked or ridiculed for his beliefs because he doesn't know where he put his big girl panties.
  8. Sanders was the recipient of the 'not Hillary' vote. don't know that he will get those this time around.
  9. live now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29lTHaMP-Ys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SOlXHCbADc
  10. ... my point is that white nationalism did not do any of those things that i just brought up, Democrat policies did. ... https://twitter.com/KamVTV/status/1115754516584861697
  11. https://twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1115454043592302592
  12. sometimes it's best to just leave crazy all to itself.
  13. Josh Josh, that Allen, To the Allen in me.
  14. this is what TPTB are trying to implement all across the globe. be thankful that there appeared an actor on the stage at the moment he did because if he didn't, they might be well on their way to succeeding. the first amendment would be illegal. https://twitter.com/dcexaminer/status/1115704516891086850
  15. kinda wish i had watched this hearing... listen to Lieu's clip before Candace's. also, pay close attention to Lieu's body language (especially his darting eyes) after Candace calls him out. https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle/status/1115675153990438912
  16. Rosen may well turn out to be a very good QB. however, he is not well suited to run the type of offense that Kingsbury wants to run. Kingsbury's offense is predicated around after the snap actions/reactions whereas Rosen is better suited for pre-snap reads and is thought that he would not do well in situations where he would need to make decisions on the fly.
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