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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. tibs, you had an especially awful day posting today. i want you to stay home this weekend, reflect on your idiocy and see if you can't come back Monday in better form.
  2. good post. possibly why they are doubling down on their insanity.
  3. interesting thread Cates has here... https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1116443680297160705
  4. https://twitter.com/StephenLimbaugh/status/1116449331811213312 https://twitter.com/StephenLimbaugh/status/1116449689161723904
  5. right. build the trenches, then up through the middle outward
  6. nanobots. coming soon to a climate change nightmare near you
  7. man, i hope this is the case. you're right of course. if they are going to do this and not have it interfere with the 2020 election, it needs to be well underway by next January.
  8. Bortles was their QB. he won't face near as many 8 man fronts if he comes here.
  9. https://twitter.com/POTUSPress/status/1116410968584740864
  10. make no mistake, Obama is now under investigation.
  11. https://twitter.com/ZoeTillman/status/1116408287606530049
  12. let's not forget that Assange doesn't like Trump. he did what he did with those DNC emails because he was pissed at what they did to Bernie.
  13. the timing is odd. i think the IC of Britain is deeply enmeshed with the globalist cabal (Britain's refusal to grant the people's will of Brexit for one) and find it hard to believe they would do anything to help Trump. doing so would not help them in their quest to make the globe their playground, which is their ultimate goal. Trump is largely the only thing holding/stopping the globalists from implementing their plan. it may be that you are correct. just my senses are telling me that something is off here.
  14. nothing better than a Brooklyn, NY style pie.
  15. also, i'm not sure he gets offed. there are still those insurance policies out there that will be dropped should he meet an untimely death.
  16. this is one reason why i have a problem with the whole thing. we know that MI6 was involved with the spying on Trump. if the Brits believe Assange could, in any way help Trump with his contention of spygate, why in the world would they extradite him.
  17. this is my concern as well. my spidey senses are telling me this may be a deep state move to move the narrative back to Trump collusion.
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