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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. thanks for the quote so he would see my post. i seriously do not understand his reaction here and would love to see the rationalization behind the accusation. on a bit of a tangent, i do believe he is somewhat of an intellect genius, though his posts are quite often taking major leaps of logic that is not easily connected to what is being referenced. but... i am some kind of a ***** ####### so, wtf do i know. :shrug:
  2. wtf are you on? in no way did i mock anyone with prostate cancer. did you seriously go looney tunes this past weekend?
  3. but... but why is he heading to Minnesota to tout the economy? is he doing this to spout more hateful rhetoric towards Ilhan?
  4. lol. i'm being swine for suggesting you get your prostate checked. ooookkkkaaaaaaayyyyyyy. back away from the ledge. you're awful defensive over something you don't have.
  5. honestly, i don't know. i just remember that commercial that said if you get up frequently during the night to pee to get it checked. i, myself get up several times a night but that is because i drink a ton of milk after dinner. i tend not to drink much during the day outside of the cup o' joe i nurse during the day at work and as a result, get a bit dehydrated.
  6. https://twitter.com/BreakingNLive/status/1117805494431899648 @Tiberius be all like...
  7. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/258584864163500033
  8. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1117813315269320709
  9. (this is one of my new fav twitter feeds) https://twitter.com/k_ovfefe/status/1117788283549962242
  10. lol. i'm over 50, son. like i said, you might want to get it checked. if you can't get from A to B without holding it, i don't imagine you sleep through the night either.
  11. https://twitter.com/ScottPresler/status/1117789600624390144
  12. you're not just an idiot, you're a blithering idiot. you were supposed to stay home this past weekend and contemplate your bad posting. i see you did not do the required homework.
  13. you just know the Donner Party is going to throw a giant hissy fit when it comes out. https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1117786163622895616
  14. no. what i understand is that Assange hated Hillary. try to keep up.
  15. good article at TCTH. Jay Sekulow: “Three” FISA Applications Were Denied in 2016 and What This Means… a good comment also, of which i hope is wrong.
  16. https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/1117414286735958017
  17. true, but what are the odds there is some damning info on Dem actions that isn't redacted?
  18. meh, i was expecting to see an Asian Carp frenzy.
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