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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. ahh yes... the 'book' Antifa response. accuse those of what you yourself are up to.
  2. nah. please do not put words in my mouth. as for the karma that is coming, that is her business. sucks to be your ilk though.
  3. me, nothing till you invade me and mine. other than that...karma. don't worry it's coming.
  4. https://twitter.com/KarluskaP/status/1268285561040777216 ****************************************************************************************** believe it or not, your ilk.
  5. https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC/status/1268219277091450888
  6. i started to watch it this morning and i couldn't take it. had to o outside and work on the garden improvements some more. watching Lindsey look all around the chamber as he was orating gave me the sense that he was simply mugging for the cameras. i do hope i was wrong and he ran a good court today. ETA: after reading through this thread and the myriad of tweets, kinda wish i woulda stuck it out. maybe i'll watch it later. thanks to all who contributed.
  7. there is much more in play than just the race of the statistical. race is, while not totally inclusive, merely a byproduct of these extenuating outside factors. much more causal, imo are the geographical demographics, poverty demographics and family status factors. to be sure, there are other long standing elements that play a role in it all and while they would be controversial, i don't believe they would rise to the level of other major conspiracy theories.
  8. https://twitter.com/TruthHammer888/status/1267981922908561408
  9. not sure but this link says it will be live. live coverage or the actual hearing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2PqfIW31Y0
  10. very eloquently stated, Rob. always appreciate when you take the time to elaborate, as we pretty much align on most beliefs i believe. to the bolded i might offer the fact that with Joe in office (a true marionette on strings), the globalists will get a chance to get their plans back on track. if Trump should win another term, with many of the Left's bag of tricks used, they would not have a whole lot of options left to dissuade him from setting them back decades. as it stands now, he has only been able to set them back maybe a couple years. here's to putting them out of business completely. oh relly? taking a point and running off into left field much? when is the last time riot materials were staged throughout cities to implement maximum carnage?
  11. gesticulating your virtue signaling again i see.
  12. so disingenuous. nothing new however... https://twitter.com/emilyelarsen/status/1267815877254066176
  13. @daz28 enlightenment https://twitter.com/JarradKushner/status/1267684275253477377
  14. https://twitter.com/TheLastRefuge2/status/1221955255946174478
  15. he's an idiot. in the Liberal Protests thread, he was trying to control the conversation, chastising someone he always disagrees with for bringing politics into the discussion. yet, as you can see, he is bringing politics into the discussion. he's just an all around disingenuous *****.
  16. as i said Daz, you lost me. not sure what you were saying. please try and make it clearer than mud for me.
  17. a, re evolution?
  18. daz, i want to believe your a good egg. i see you trying but you constantly lapse back into things that... you have had repeatedly proven to you to be not true. i do have to go so i'll leave another to dicker these things through with you. to be sure, it is a complicated subject however, you start with putting one foot in front of the other and... a leads to b which leads to c wherein leads to d... so on and so forth.
  19. you're losing me here. i have to go, got a few other things to do. took a break to do some minor relaxing because of the rain but got to get ready for tomorrow, supposed to be cooler (yes!). before i go though... don't take Breibart's word for anything just like i would advise you not to take CNN's word for anything. that article is from Dec of '18. to my understanding, the original 302 has never been produced. i could be wrong but i believe what that article links to is Strok's summary of the 302. you know, the guy who basically rewrote Priestap's entire 302, per his conversations with Lisa Page.
  20. sure, i'll give you my honest assessment of that. the thing(s) you have to consider is that Flynn was the incoming National Security Advisor. as such, he was having many, many, many other conversations with ambassadors of many other nations at that time. additionally, he was supposedly on vacation when this particular discussion was taking place, so his mind might not have been completely on the business nature of things. with that said, to answer you directly, yes i believe he may not have remembered. he had a lot on his plate at that time. now, how does any of that matter? he answered that he didn't remember, he also knew they knew what he had said. so how was his answer lying in any way, shape or form? i'm making it sound like your advocating it? that's a good one.
  21. again, like DR has been saying to you and many of us have been saying to you for some time (here and other topics)... you are looking at everything from the wrong angle. you are coming at these things from the lens of the main stream propagandist media. trust me, you would be better served turning that ***** thing off, for the news anyway. again, what it sounds like your saying is that what was done to Flynn is okay because he will get rich off of it. let me tell you, all the money in the world is not going to replace years of your life, you simply do not get those back. out of curiosity, what is the price of those years worth? can you monetize it? no, you can't. all you can do is to compensate someone for what happened to them. well, for someone who is blinded by the light of the propagandists, i have to give you a prop for at least being, however reluctant, somewhat open to the possibility. i would suggest again that you turn off the spin doctors and do some digging of your own to form your own thoughts. do away with the spoon feeding and narrative forming trough you have been so obviously drinking from.
  22. or... you know... he was trying to box the Trump administration in. and to go out even further on that limb... maybe he was setting a stage with props for a certain play they were enacting. hmmm.......
  23. so because that is how things are done, that makes it okay? because that sure sounds like what you're saying....
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