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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. which is a direct correlation to the product on the field. the Bills improve and we will be clamoring for those late season games in OP for the home field advantage that it gives us.
  2. today... St Patrick’s suspect previously arrested at other cathedral and, i don't know if this was mentioned previously but... JERUSALEM'S AL-AQSA MOSQUE FIRE BURNS AT THE SAME TIME AS FLAMES ENGULF NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL IN PARIS
  3. so... the goal posts have now moved from criminality to condemnation. great. good job Adam, time for you to leave the stage now. what a joke. 'clearly, these are not traits the american people desire in their President'. regardless, Pencilneck, that is not a matter for investigation.
  4. https://twitter.com/JoshJPhilipp/status/1118957118856540162
  5. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    i guess that depends upon how you want to look at it. if you want to base it against the various fiats around the world, the impact is infinitesimal. are we comparing it against gold mining impact? gold is more impactful. as of Dec '18
  6. "those who colluded on this effort" he left out perhaps the most important player in all of this, the Obama Administration. by design??
  7. one of @Tiberius heroes. https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1118693733594218501
  8. not only that but he is just plain oblivious to it.
  9. you think the sheeple would be hip to their game at this point.
  10. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    another step in the settlement layer progression. Afghanistan, Tunisia to Issue Sovereign Bonds in Bitcoin, Bright Future Ahead ... Khalil Sediq, the governor of the Central Bank of Afghanistan, confirmed that they were looking to utilize cryptocurrency and blockchain technology to raise around $5.8 billion. Sediq said they would pair bitcoin with a form of metal futures, such as lithium. The move would make it easier for Afghanistan to expose its $3 trillion lithium sector to investors across the world. The metal’s short supply against its booming demand in the electric-vehicle industry would pose profitable opportunities for Afghanistan. Sediq went on to explain the situation that led them to opt for bitcoin over other fiat assets. The governor blamed the post-war conflict scenario that raised Afghanistan’s risk of debt. It prompted the IMF to expose the country to severe restrictions on non-concessional financing. In layman terms, developed economies were less likely to invest in Afghanistan owing to its risks limited to or beyond a geopolitical crisis, as well as to a perceived lack of fiscal and debt discipline. Crypto solutions, explained Sediq, could allow Afghanistan economy to access global markets. He stated that they would use hyperledger’s blockchain technology financial services platform to issue their sovereign bitcoin bonds. ...
  11. i looked but can't find it. i'm pretty sure @Deranged Rhino posted this earlier. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1118876219381026818 i kind of wish e had posted this instead.
  12. don't worry, he'll be back to double down on his idiocy. if there is one thing @transplantbillsfan is, he is consistent (and persistent).
  13. how many times do you have to be told that a prosecutor's task is to prove guilt, not to exonerate.
  14. let's revisit this in 5/6 months. no need to defend the pressure to have Sessions investigate Hillary's emails. Trump is the AG's boss and has every right to do so if thinks it is warranted. Tibs is grasping straws, nothing more.
  15. time to brush up on those Evelyn Wood courses. https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1118905512953810944
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