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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    this is kinda what we are waiting for... the influx of institutional investment money. E-TRADE IS READYING BITCOIN TRADING FOR 5 MILLION CUSTOMERS: REPORT https://twitter.com/nathanielpopper/status/1121868559330598912 So no official news, but stay tuned… great help. ...OPENING THE FLOODGATES FOR INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS Even talk of such mainstream institutions as E-Trade and TD Ameritrade considering cryptocurrency trading is highly positive for Bitcoin. If one, or both, make any official announcement regarding this, it could further legitimize cryptocurrency in the minds of wary investors. With around 5 million brokerage accounts and assets of over $65 billion, E-Trade enabling BTC and ETH trading could considerably boost adoption. Having an institutional-grade spot-trading solution would also complement forthcoming institutional futures and custodial platforms from firms like Fidelity Investments and Intercontinental Exchange. Many expect an influx of institutional investment as early as this year, taking bitcoin and cryptocurrency prices to new highs.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_FOS1GvZOY
  3. i can't say it's true or not but i'm hearing Q. Williams might be in play.
  4. seems like a good kid, funny though. https://twitter.com/C_1eyeL/status/1121558577036967936
  5. does Gase quit if it's an edge rusher? lol.
  6. i have had my panels installed for over three years now and i love them. with the incentive programs from the federal government and NYS, along with a NYSERDA grant, they are very affordable. you get 5 years to recoup the incentives from both NYS and the fed gov via your tax filings. the NYSERDA grant is just that, a grant so it just lowers your outlay. as I said, i have had them for three years now and this past year i have recouped the last of the incentives from .gov. what this means is that in another 3 years, i will have completely recouped my initial outlay and will have at least 19 years of free electric going forward. because of the system, it produces all the energy i use on a yearly basis. if by chance it over produces, i get a refund check once a year. this is what you want. a micro-inverter with each panel. with this method you are not subjecting a central inverter to high load and high heat. this allows you to run the panels in a parallel circuit instead of a series circuit as well.
  7. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    exactly why if you don't own the private keys, you really don't own the coin. they are not the only ones doing it either. we know for a fact that there is not enough Bitcoin in existence for all the transactions in the cryptoverse.
  8. okay, well.... to me, that gives even more ammunition to Cookies case. not only did he gain more yards and almost twice as many touchdowns, he did it when there were 2 less games per season. total games: Marshawn - 52 Gilchrist - 42.
  9. i hope you're not advocating trading Hughes.
  10. Gugs, are the last two posts contradicting the first somewhat? Gilchrist amassed more yards and had almost twice as many TD's than Marshawn did in a 1/4 of a season's less time. are you saying that 1/4 of a season shy of 3 is the cutoff point for wall inclusion? just not sure exactly what you're saying here with regard.
  11. thanks. well, this would certainly put a different weight upon Metcalf. if Allan wants him, we seriously need to consider what it may take to get him. whether that be trading back or trading back into the first, i would do whatever it takes to make Josh happy.
  12. BPA overall. i think you upgrade the/any position by doing this and with few exceptions should be done at the top of the draft (first 2 rounds?). with regard to White/Edmunds, i'm not convinced Edmunds is going to grow into the MLB that White already is. i understand he was a rook last year but he just got blown up too much for my liking and he doesn't play with that low center of gravity that he needs to when zoning in on a tackle. that and he seems to not instinctively react which is why he was often late to a play. he may grow into it, but don't you think he would be better suited to play outside where it seems it would be more natural for him?
  13. i don't really care who, i just want them to take the player available who is at the top of their board. BPA.
  14. i rarely agree with you, however making subsequent members scroll through something they have already read once, to read a single sentence that essentially says thank you is just plain bad form.
  15. can i ask how you know this? TYIA
  16. the story is very plausible. being that the head coaches are brothers, i can see this trade happening easily. it would probably involve two firsts, + from the 'skins. additionally, if three and possibly four QB's go before we get to our pick at 9, chances are good we get one of the top 5 players in the draft. would love to nab Q. Williams.
  17. the Packers draft Lock? i don't think so.
  18. good post. however i don't see us parting with Hughes, he is too good.
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