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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. you just can't make this ***** up. https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1123769459016118274
  2. https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1123963147574968323
  3. Sperry is tweeting up a storm today. https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1124036387236397057
  4. i gotta say Lindsey... when your right, your right. what is now going on is not oversight.
  5. no, literally.. it hit me.. https://twitter.com/realDerekUtley/status/1123701383604076546
  6. ladies and gentlemen... your esteemed representative. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1123717349729763330 i'm rolling here.... https://twitter.com/gamerarock/status/1123723187806703616
  7. Collins was quite upset at what happened yesterday. https://twitter.com/JudiciaryGOP/status/1123944334745841666 https://twitter.com/Trump454545/status/1123942848477507584
  8. they aren't called the Donner Party for nothing.
  9. i would think that whether or not they're done will depend largely upon how the Mueller testimony in the House Judiciary goes.
  10. just like they may do now. Trump was found to be not guilty of Russian Collusion. so what has the Donner Party shifted to, conduct unbecoming President. it doesn't matter that the AG found him to not have reached the level of criminal obstruction of justice. they are screaming that he is morally bankrupt and unfit to serve as President. in all honesty, i believe they could impeach him for just about anything if they had the support. impeachment however does not remove the President from office (Clinton was impeached).
  11. defying a subpoena (which is what the Dems will do next if he doesn't appear voluntarily tomorrow).
  12. yes, he constitutionally can. the implications of which are remedied by the legislature with impeachment and impeachment only. witch hunts aside, they have no other constitutional power against the Executive.
  13. the DOJ is part and parcel of the Executive branch. and that's a wrap, hearing over. be interesting to see if Barr testifies tomorrow or if he is held in contempt.
  14. ah but there is a method to their madness. they are trying to lay the groundwork for their claim that Barr is illegitimate, he needs to recuse himself from any and all AG activities. when indictments come down for Dem criminal activities they are going to scream to the high heavens that Barr is corrupt, nothing here can be considered serious. it is all a revenge thing.
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