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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. well... both parties can be obstructionist, it mainly depends on who id holding the reins at a particular point. i will grant however that the left wing of the bird seems to be unhinged currently.
  2. i don't think that would work well with a rifle.
  3. just thinking out loud here... what was to stop Mueller or his team from leaking those summaries?
  4. that's almost like that reality show, 'Naked and Afraid'. wtf is that all about? who dreams up this crap?
  5. https://twitter.com/VP/status/1124343228919111681
  6. apologies if this has been posted already. this is very pertinent. prosecutors seek to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt, not to exonerate/make determinations of innocence. https://twitter.com/goat_ramses/status/1124370200567009280 Letter Source not to worry, if it is true, you will see it splashed all across the 'verse in the days to come
  7. hey tibs. you do understand that what he was referencing there is the media's portrayal of Barr's summary of the principal conclusions, right?
  8. https://twitter.com/hughhewitt/status/1124117875046932480
  9. if one has been paying attention, his love affair with the Patsies has been quite evident for years.
  10. nah. they need to keep talking. the more the better actually.
  11. this isn't aging well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjJ2xmr37Bo
  12. just don't mention the word 'prostate' to him. he might get all defensive and block you.
  13. @plenzmd1 better stick around. he is pretty rational in his arguments and i for one enjoy that..
  14. i mean, we all miss context at times, prolly me more so than most. however that post coupled with the others of his in this thread seems to suggest that there is some sort of disconnect going on.
  15. "Had the same vivid dream two nights in a row about the Bills..." it wasn't wet was it?
  16. my biggest concern is the 7 blowout losses. i mean it was like we didn't even belong on the field in those games. if we don't have any of those episodes this coming year, i will consider the previous ones to be somewhat of an anomaly and chalk it up to growing paigns. should we continue to see more of them however, it raises some serious concerns as to McCoach's coaching abilities.
  17. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    another step in the institutional money front. marketwatch.com article Facebook working on cryptocurrency-based payments platform Facebook Inc. is recruiting dozens of financial firms and online merchants to help launch a cryptocurrency-based payments system on the back of its gigantic social network. The effort, should it succeed, threatens to upend the traditional, lucrative plumbing of e-commerce and would likely be the most mainstream application yet of cryptocurrency. It comes as the social-media giant is under intense pressure from regulators, users and shareholders to address privacy shortcomings. At the heart of the initiative, under way for more than a year and code-named Project Libra, is a digital coin that its users could send to each other and use to make purchases both on Facebook and across the internet, according to people familiar with the matter. ... source - WSJ (paywall): Facebook Building Cryptocurrency-Based Payments System
  18. https://twitter.com/esaagar/status/1123956417759563776
  19. sorry Donner's, you just stuck out for what seems like the nineteenth million time. will you ever learn? https://twitter.com/kyledcheney/status/1123955389370748928
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