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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. just my 2 satoshi's here but... get over yourself. there is no exact science to moderation and as i said, it is a thankless job. if someone deemed your post deletion worthy, just move along, it's not that big of a deal. i mean... we're talking about cyber space here. take it for what it's worth.
  2. i don't envy you, Hap... that is for sure. moding is a mostly thankless job and most i know do it simply for the love of the board (wherever/whatever that board may be). i do have to say that you and the other mods do a yeoman's job here. your/their efforts are greatly appreciated. i understand we are in fairly uncharted waters in these clearly uncertain times, just was a bit surprised is all. though to be honest, with everything that is currently upon the world stage at this particular time, it should not be that surprising. after all, cats are going to do what cats are going to do, herding them is (almost) impossible. flowing with the go is usually the best course. cheers my man.
  3. that wouldn't be a Pats friend, would it? i kid... i kid....
  4. whoa... when did the Stadium Wall/Off the Wall turn into PPPLite?
  5. just in case their ego was bruised, amiright?
  6. https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/1269597470792847360
  7. https://twitter.com/TheLastRefuge2/status/1269398609419816966
  8. https://twitter.com/AnonymousAda/status/1268996986293927937
  9. 4. hell on Earth. because that is what they will get. did you just look at me sideways?
  10. with no state income tax, it just might be greener.
  11. still on your crusade i see.
  12. is she trying to pass a law that says bruising is lynching?
  13. you just know that this will go left over the heads of our liberal friends on this board. thanks for the post, much sense in it.
  14. Whitmer and Frey are despicable. these people do not understand what they are asking for https://twitter.com/MarkHiggie1/status/1269301655658512384
  15. https://twitter.com/M2Madness/status/1268725348033757186
  16. so... using your logic if you spouted this crap off at me and i decided to punch you in your piehole, you own that, right. i mean, you enabled it. idiot.
  17. I'd be careful what you wish for if I were you. if morals and knowing right from wrong are to be taught again on a vigorous basis, the left will go away within a generation. guaranteed.
  18. the liberal in you should know that words have meaning and their usage matters. after all, words are just as harmful as physical actions, right?
  19. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1268498220126212098 https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1268498224463167491
  20. ladies and gentlemen... your Left influencers. https://twitter.com/CollapsePosts/status/1267972847248576517
  21. https://twitter.com/Barnz_N_Noblez/status/1266887698406617093
  22. this guy is good...
  23. https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1268355431757344768 https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1268362871274196992
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