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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. sure fire way to never have pudding is to not eat your meat.
  2. ol' Eeyore deleted his PPP tailgate Bills-Eagles thread because he couldn't figure out how to adjust the title. surprising?
  3. remember the 1/24 slot cars? they were approximately 4" X 9". man they were fun. some of the best memories of my dad, were us playing with these classic, vintage slots. wish we still had 'em.
  4. talk of a prostate is off limits with you but this is okay?
  5. you always fry SPAM. bit of mustard on it... mmmmmmm you don't need to refrigerate brown eggs.
  6. i read these posts the other day and it got me to thinking... if the economy is as strong as it is, right now... what is it going to be like when we begin to see companies return home and set up their operations in their (our) homeland? the benefits i can think of off the top of my head are enormous. higher wages, a return to immigration where you need to have skills that is going to benefit this country (as is currently being proposed), a brain infusion, a strong(er) robust economy. to my way of thinking, you couldn't ask for a better scenario. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127965567359574016 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127965569821626368 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1127681373966409730
  7. sure, no worries. for folks like me who didn't read the book, excerpts like these are appreciated. note: though not posting much of late (meatspace has gone crazy with the workload), i still do read here a lot daily. and i do concur with those who say something doesn't appear to be on the up and up with GPap. though it is still interesting to throw it into the pot and add it to the stew of all the other machinations that are going/have been going on.
  8. okay. try some asparagus in 'em. goes good with pork/chicken fried rice as well. omelettes? they are essentially scrambled eggs.
  9. don't know that i have ever seen a thread on BNL News before. https://twitter.com/BreakingNLive/status/1128314686309638144
  10. https://twitter.com/BreakingNLive/status/1128744781356597248
  11. only? man you don't know what you are missing. fry some up over easy, douse 'em with a liberal helping of hot sauce. mash the hell out if them, and eat 'em up. soak your toast in the left over sauce, delicious. eggs Benedict, hollandaise sauce and eggs go very well together. fried egg on a burger, you have try at least once. many others, these are just the ones at the forefront of the cobwebs in the attic here.
  12. no, they certainly will have to report it but they will do so with their deep state feed narrative attached. something along the lines of political persecution, Trump is just looking for revenge. did he really? geeze.
  13. if he is a smart man, he would avoid the rabid Dems at all costs. recent history tells us that unless he gives them what they are looking for (and his report suggests he won't) they are going to go all Cujo on him.
  14. the reality of the world is that it is binary. you're either ?‍♂️ or ?‍♀️, period. feelz aside, nothing is ever going to change that.
  15. oh boy.... only you would think whatever most of these deranged individuals think as being noteworthy. from the link:
  16. how does a man become pregnant? he does not, therefore he is not a man. duh!
  17. i've got about the first hour and a half of that hearing under my belt. it is pretty good, i would recommend it to anyone who wants to get a better understanding of what is what with regard (of course, i am not a capital hill lawyer but i digress). it is very striking, at least to me anyways, how the Dems on the committee are still grandstanding even with this hearing that is specifically designed to enlighten them on what the law says. when they query one of the professors and don't get the answer they are looking for, or one that goes against what they want to hear, they try to cut that professor off and either direct the question to one of the other professors, ask a different question or go into a feelz speech that does nothing except further their own distorted belief. it really is something to behold. what it says to me, is that those foolish displays we see in these other hearings that we all might assume are simply partisanship on display, is much more than that. here we have a hearing by them, for them so they don't get their asses handed to them in the courts and yet they are so imbrued with TDS that it prevents them from not being their own worst enemies.
  18. https://twitter.com/RepDougCollins/status/1128711552251645952 does anyone know what the House session was today? i would love to find this whole video and listen to it. TYIA i think this is it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1yITUxP1U8
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