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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/BreakingNLive/status/1133780229896495104 https://twitter.com/BreakingNLive/status/1133763865672601600
  2. okay, here is my take after watching the Mueller press conference... i think this was an agreed upon resolution between the Donners and Mueller as an alternative to him testifying in public before congress. it actually served the Donner's purpose better than having him getting crossed by the Republicans on the Judiciary committee which quite possibly could have ruined the narrative they so desperately want to paint here. thanks for letting us know your not here to discuss politics. will keep that in mind for when you do your flyby's in the future. you're not really this obtuse are you?????
  3. how does this response address my contention that all of the Donners currently running for the POTUS are a Socialist?
  4. won't be long before you are ridiculed beyond your comfort zone and have to create another (in a long line of) sock puppet account(s).
  5. you're a joke. you attempt to belittle tweets and fail to understand that many of them are links to source material with commentary on said link. because we would rather find alternate sources to the main stream propaganda that has an agenda, you ridicule it. you're the one who deserves the ridicule for being such an asshat. now run along and go play in the street somewhere.
  6. so.... what? you want to convict him in the SJW forum of being #orangemanbad?
  7. not trying to defend Comey in any way really, however... he did say that they can investigate anything they wish. so for that article to say, "Why wouldn’t Comey be welcoming the upcoming transparency if he went by the book and is squeaky clean?", it is somewhat disingenuous. there is enough evidence of wrong doing, no need to push a false narrative. let the cards fall where they may.
  8. let this be a lesson to you all...
  9. an Airbnb might just be the ticket.
  10. https://twitter.com/JohnWHuber/status/1133453321287688193 https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC/status/1133449757765132289
  11. https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1133202561761202176
  12. basically, i don't want to be bothered after my meal is served. yet if i need something i fully expect y waiter to be available. if this is the case then a bigger tip is coming their way.
  13. it's too bad though. as i learned here, he's isn't going to make the roster.
  14. an easy guideline here in NYS is, you just take whatever the tax is and double it (common core maths be damned). if the service was extra good you toss in a bit extra if is was lousy you deduct a bit.
  15. this has already been covered here but perhaps a bit more in depth in this good thread. https://twitter.com/with_integrity/status/1133064370722955265
  16. Obama grew the economy by leaps and bounds? geesh, where have i been.
  17. so... i guess in effect what you're saying here, is that your parents still get a babysitter for you when they go out because your too afraid to be left alone.
  18. https://twitter.com/ABCPolitics/status/1132645531014971392 https://twitter.com/JohnWHuber/status/1132968225455726593
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