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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/WIRED/status/1134084344048488450
  2. is he throwing a tantrum for something?
  3. perhaps it is just me but i would like to see an inflatable ***** day at all future Patriot home games.
  4. as a general rule of thumb, when it comes to politicians... if their lips are moving, chances are pretty good their lying.
  5. more on the push to normalize pedophilia... Mainstream Media Normalizing Pedophilia in Reality Show, Calling it “Age Gap Love” Last year, TFTP reported how a disturbing push was made to attempt to normalize pedophilia as a mainstream “sexual orientation.” The move involved pedophiles rebranding themselves as “Minor Attracted Persons,” with the hope that they will be accepted as part of the LGBT community. It was somewhat effective as multiple outlets reported it like it was okay. While this incident was extremely disturbing, even more worrisome is that this normalization appears to be spreading. Now, mainstream media is accused of promoting pedophilia by referring to it as “age-gap love” in a reality show. In one of the most disturbing moments we’ve ever seen promoted on television, the UK’s Channel 5 — which is owned by the media leviathan, Viacom — is promoting the relationship between a 16-year-old girl and a 44-year-old man. Instead of calling this what it is, the television network called it age-gap love. While the legal age of consent in the UK is 16, the program admits that the affection Andy had toward his child wife Beth began well before this age. “Originally a friend of her Mum and over the years became close to her children too,” the program says as innocent music plays in the background as if this sort of thing is entirely acceptable. “But once she reached the age of 16, he decided to give this controversial relationship a go,” it continues. What this actually means is that Andy had been attracted to Beth well before her legal age of consent and only after he could no longer go to jail for it, he became public with his sick desires. “The woman is 19 in the video. If they’d met for the first time when she was 19, it would be weird but not criminal or evil. But he knew her since a child and they started “dating” when she was 16. That’s called grooming and abuse. Dude is a pedophile. This is horrific,” writer Matt Walsh pointed out. ... https://twitter.com/channel5_tv/status/1132618639352377344
  6. i appreciate and respect what you bring to the board, Alpha. just because i don't always comment doesn't mean i don't read. with that disclaimer out of the way... you seem to be discounting what your thread title says..., "Calling it now: Zay Jones will not be on the week 1 roster.". yes, you offer up reasons to support your thread title, no problem with that here. where the problem lies, in my estimation, is that the title is a declaration, a prediction if you will. throughout the thread you vacillate back and forth, playing both sides of the equation apparently attempting to invalidate the prediction should you be wrong or in other words, covering all your bases. as much as i deride @transplantbillsfan for his history of failed prognostications, he at least has the temerity to stick to his guns. and he does so come hell or high water, which is, if nothing else, respectable. not saying you can't be respected but you can't have it both ways with a thread title such as the one you established this thread with. might i suggest that if you want to have an argument that discusses the possibilities of both outcomes, that a thread title change might be desired. one that would more accurately reflect what you are proclaiming this thread to be about. additionally, i should also add that OP has two meanings. OP: Opening Post and, OP: Original Poster. my previous post was referring to the latter, your content throughout the thread.
  7. in the transgendered world we live today, is it any surprise that, in a truly binary world there is a third choice? because you know... feelz. have you tried clearing your cache and dumping your cookies?
  8. it may very well be the software, though i doubt it. if it was the software, i think we would be seeing it on a more offending path than having it affect just a handful of members. again, this is not to say it isn't the software as forum software is notoriously glitchy. for those it is affecting such as you, @plenzmd1 and others, what browser are you accessing the forum with? i also operate this software on a site i own and have seen no issues of this.
  9. wait... so let me see if i have this correct. Pelosi says the Republicans are obstructionist for wanting to have a vote on bill that has had a $14 billion aid package approved back in January? what have the Donners been doing since January to not have it passed by now before trying to get it enacted by default? oh... right. what ***** Bizzaro world are we living in??
  10. misleading is when the OP content doesn't match the title. from every explanation i've seen you give, "Calling it now: Zay Jones will not be on the week 1 roster", was not what the OP was about. or rather, it was but it wasn't, depending on which contradictory waffle you are trying to push atm.
  11. he knew as soon as he let the second one go that it was going to hit the crossbar and called it.
  12. wow. i'll bet you don't get through this without a lump in your throat and wet eyes. https://twitter.com/terrycrews/status/1133554301966532608
  13. yet we are told that it is the school administrators fault that the education system is faulty. while that may be so, there are an awful lot of bad teachers out there and have been for a number of years. they are just more widespread today. yet i don't think we can judge him too harshly, as being a second grade teacher, he has had a few of his students accepted into Harvard.
  14. always look forward to reading your opines, Gunner. thanks.
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