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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i can't help it. i like Tibs and see where he wants to believe but the NLP has him so engrained in TDS that it is hard to pull the claws out.
  2. i'ma gonna go out on a limb here and say it's not Bernie your referring to, right?
  3. are you interested in having an honest discussion here or are you going to do nothing more than throw old outdated talking points at me? i am not interested in the latter, by any means. i don't trust the elected elite in any way, shape or form. they do not have my, nor your best interests at heart and they haven't for quite some time. they are more consumed with their own vested interests and implementing the desired agenda of the hidden hand. we are nothing more than chattel to them and we only exist to serve them. so if it is a choice between Trump and the life long corruption of the swamp, i will gladly take my chances with Trump. at least he does things that are giving me a glimmer of hope that we can correct the wrong road we are on.
  4. does this mean that the ACLU is going to request they hold off because it has evidence that this is going to increase Republican political power?
  5. toxic economic conditions? those would be too many jobs to choose from?
  6. dayum, i always thought Middle Earth was somewhere in Ireland. don't ruin the Leprechaun thing for me man.
  7. you'll have to change your avatar to something along this line. and change your status to something like... stomping idiots from the Shire
  8. https://twitter.com/RadGeekpartduex/status/1139252316211539968
  9. well, the removal is what arguably caused harm. as keepthefaith alluded to, congressional seats are based upon eligible voters not simply the population. which in turn makes the ACLU's argument ridicules.
  10. yes but... do you know how to play Hearts?
  11. i see where the ACLU has asked the Supreme Court to delay ruling on the issue of whether or not to include the citizenship question. they are saying it is part of a larger conspiracy to increase Republican political power.
  12. lol. and today, all notifications are not emboldened when opened up.
  13. yes, if they are in elected office, chances are they're liars. every single one of them...
  14. is it just the inherent distrust in me of the elite that thinks a false flag is a possibility here? used as rational to go after all those WMD's?
  15. not sure where this really belongs but i guess this is the closest thread. Feds gone wild: DOJ's stunning inability to prosecute its own bad actors there really are two tiers of justice in this land. they all need to go, i hope Barr shows no partiality and goes after any and all who are dirty. ***** those bad actors.
  16. you're an idiot. he has been cooperating with the government.
  17. Nervous Nancy and the Dimwitted Democrats have lost their minds.
  18. https://twitter.com/JoyPullmann/status/1138520956979339264
  19. My brother spanks my his GF around me excellent job!
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