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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. he's also changing the name of his garage band... https://twitter.com/iowahawkblog/status/1271123186743226370
  2. @shoshin's wet dream just came true... https://twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1271112045325357058
  3. one wonders if anyone/how many of them will suddenly fall victim to Arkancide.
  4. and, unfortunately, as evidenced by the pages and pages in PPP... some can't.
  5. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1271082974331756544
  6. maybe this will help... https://youtu.be/XKN3z6zGGN8?t=23
  7. they are part and parcel to the corruption and graft that is rampant in the halls of the elitists today. that they continue to support it, even in the face of all the available evidence, is beyond comprehension. part of the problem however is that they are easily manipulated by all the NLP they receive on a daily basis from the MSM. thus, the objective NPC is boune and naively helps the cabal keep their place. so they are not totally to blame but 'tis a weak and feeble mind that refuses to do any sort of critical thinking of it's own and hands over the keys to the presstitutes to formulate their truths. lost upon them is the fact that it is the Pelosi's, Schumer's, Graham's, Ryan's, Nadler's and Biden's whom have been around in those halls of the elite for close to the better part of a century, that are the real problem. they have had it programmed into their feeble minds that Trump is the problem. what they need to understand is that... they, themselves are the problem. they need to take the claws of the poison out of their backs and go cold turkey until they have shaken the disease that is the corrupt cabal.
  8. https://twitter.com/Goodable/status/1269819933388673024
  9. in case it missed anyone's notice... i just want to point out that Friday is the 12th. @4merper4mer
  10. ummm... i wonder where, "America is the leader of the free world" fits in all of this nonsense.
  11. yeah, no. sorry but that is not how it works, in fact.. it's not how any of this works. your "feelz" don't dictate who i am. you may not agree with who your projection puts out but, more than anything, that is your problem, not mine.
  12. https://twitter.com/RyanAFournier/status/1269779770193129472 https://twitter.com/JGilliam_SEAL/status/1269775545409187840 ***************************************************************************************** "... that comes from a place of privilege"?? no, that comes from a place called, "paying your taxes".
  13. the New Green Deal is a center-right agenda driven proposal? who knew....
  14. meh, what's one more tax for a liberal?
  15. more like Trump versus the criminal cabal. Joe isn't going to be running anything except in his Depends.
  16. lol. Crayola isn't a conservative.
  17. allow me, you're an idiot.
  18. i'm sorry but... apparently you haven't seen what downtown looks like right now, with a police force.
  19. i think this perspective omits several mitigating factors. does geography (ie; innercities) play a factor in the rate of being pulled over? what about optics (you know, driving a "junker"), does that play a factor? there is so much more at play than simply stating that, "a black person is pulled over at a far greater rate than a white person".
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