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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. he should feel like an idiot today for not doing so.
  2. tracking this down and the source material for the tweet, i can say that while it may be true and goes to what i ultimately believe, it appears somewhat dubious. the lie detector test was not administered for a court of law proceeding but rather by a person named Steven Hamre. being that i have never heard of him before and no nothing of his underlying beliefs/morals, other than the sourced selfowned website, i am going to have to take it with a grain of salt. thank you for bringing it to my attention. too many tentacles converging to completely rule the connections out.
  3. nah. @ExiledInIllinois just won't operate the locks properly, as he wants to save the Asian Carp.
  4. 200 Nebraska Farmers Remain Silent During Auction So A Young Man Can Buy Back His Family Farm ... On the auction day, more than 200 farmers were present there, David and his dad thought their chances were slim to win it, but decided to give it their best shot. But what the farmers did next surprised David and his family. When the auctioneer started the auction, David and his father placed their bid, but not a single of the other farmers spoke up. It turned out that more than 200 farmers had a change of heart about the land and decided to not bid for the land, so that the young farmer could win it back for his family. ...
  5. go to your account and remove the payment information. which you should actually do anyways...
  6. i don't think Avenatti will be able to make it as he is currently previously engaged.
  7. failing re-election campaign?? did you not notice the 20,00+ in the stadium and the countless numbers outside? what... Biden attracted 300 people?
  8. man that bubble you reside in must be quite cozy.
  9. i don't think many 'dirty' people commit suicide.
  10. Tibs, come on. why do you think they withdraw? because the lunatic liberal left wants to destroy anyone who works or has worked for Trump. they are so deranged that they can not let anyone be that threatens their paradigm.
  11. i think when they first came out, they went for something like $4k or more. when i got one, it was somewhere around $2k. i managed to convince my boss that we needed it for work and got them to pay for half the cost.
  12. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    it does appear that we are now in a market reversal. does that mean we have left the bear market and are now firmly in a bull, dunno. one thing is certain though, we have roughly gained over 80% of the 2018 low. kind of an odd phenomenon going on with crypto pairings though. back in '17 and '18 the crytpo pairing usually followed the fiat pairing. meaning that when the fiat price of coins (BTC/ETH/LTC/etc...) rose, so did the fiat value of tokens (PPP/PPT/VERI/etc...). now however, while the fiat value of coins is rising, the crypto coupling of a great amount of tokens seems to have become detached. the crypto pairing is declining as the fiat value of coins rises where the fiat value of tokens is remaining static. somewhat unanticipated. will Libra hurt the fiat value of Bitcoin, good question. in the video i posted above, Caitlin Long seems to think that there will be short term harm to the price of BTC but that in the long run it is going to benefitBTC. the reasoning she gives is that Libra is going to bring cryptos to the (m)asses. which will initially foster interest in Facebook's foray but ultimately backfire as people begin to understand the mechanics of the blockchain and the various coins. many different schools of thought obviously but i still am of the opinion (and it would take something seismic to change my opinion) that BTC will always be the daddy of all cryptos, as it currently is. it has the benefit of being the first created cryptocurrency and as such enjoys great benefits that other coins of the same construct do not enjoy. BTC is slow and cumbersome, it is not designed to be an everyday conveyance of value, other coins are better suited to do that. however, because it was the first and because it is deflationary in nature (finite amount), it holds a special place. in it's pure form (no derivatives), it can not be manipulated. it is for that reason that i have been continually pounding the table that it will become an international settlement vehicle (this has already come to fruition to a small degree with at least three nation states having agreed to do this). nation states are going to like that it can not be inflated by the mere wave of the hand to bring more into existence, which would ultimately devalue their holdings like can be done with USD fiat. this is a very deep subject and i could go on and on but i will leave it at this for now.
  13. https://twitter.com/BlQCKWATER/status/1140706438341419009
  14. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    so will 99% of the current day transactions be.
  15. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    Libra: Facebook's Crypto Trojan Rabbit ... In short, Government ineptitude and/or fundamental evil created Bitcoin. This is the essence of what Ms. Long talked about around the same time as that post in her Mises Weekend talk “Will Blockchain Free Us from Wall St.” It’s a wonderful talk that focuses on the domestic reasons why the dollar is yet to collapse and why Bitcoin provides the framework in which we can craft money that isn’t controlled by a central issuing authority. This is the key point that she mentions but doesn’t emphasize in her talk. For the first time in history we have been presented the option to choose money whose new units are not subject to the whims and corruption of humans. That’s set by math. And math both determines the rate of inflation and the rate of trust developed by the money itself. This continues to be Bitcoin’s biggest advantage as long as the economic incentives to maintain the network remain positive and are not perverted. A Farewell to Kings It means no philosopher kings deciding the rate of inflation or deflation. It means minimizing rent-seeking behavior. It means an end to counterfeiting as we have experienced in the past. But as I said earlier, things like off-chain settled futures contracts create ‘Paper Bitcoins’ which suppress its exchange rate versus the U.S. dollar. They are an attempt at counterfeiting through through leverage. So are stablecoins like Tether, if not managed properly and, don’t kid yourself, Libra. ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PAINpC9FVc
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