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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/brian_desanto/status/1141879045564588032
  2. 'Significant military/US Navy nexus' found in Kitsap human trafficking bust
  3. if it isn't searchable, it didn't happen. welcome to 1984
  4. in case it was lost upon you, i was being just a tad facetious.
  5. South America. in Ecuador for example, you could retire on $200K and live comfortably. trust me on this...
  6. i dunno... he's not the right shade of orange, is he?
  7. https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1141763206383394817
  8. for the assmuncher, @McGee Return TD "the revolution will not be televised" thread https://twitter.com/RodSneaky/status/1141746639511703552
  9. again? you mean they previously stopped?
  10. ummm... lower standard of living? that was too easy.
  11. meh. when you are pushed to the extent and marginalized as much as Trump has been... when you have, not only the other wing of the bird trying to initiate a coup against you but you also have the main stream propaganda machine aiding and abetting that coup, how do you expect him to not only connect with the american people but to present his side of the story. holy run on sentence batman.... they brought it on themselves. granted Trump may have used twitter regardless but i don't believe he would have had to reach down to their level.
  12. well, i probably spoke it as a generalized term when i should have more correctly said that i hate NYS politicians. i absolutely love NY and all it's glory. i have been to many places in this great nation of ours and i would be hard pressed to say that there is anywhere i would rather be. we have it all. if we could only wall off NYC or secede from it west of NYC, we would be a lot better off. let the liberal lunacy destroy itself outside of my purview.
  13. i think internment camps are probably a better descriptor of them than what the connotation concentration camps carries along with it.
  14. surely you don't mean the guy who has 24,619 posts on here since '17, right?
  15. a new low? anything compared to the ongoing soft coup ?
  16. let me help you out here... just one for you for now, don't want to overload your senses. most of those red states provide the food you eat and is for hard working blue collar types. most of your blue states are allergic to and not set up for hard manual labor. without these deplorables, you would starve. California certainly doesn't fit your description however. is there going to be typhoid in the streets this Fall?
  17. punditry all across the media spectrum has credibility issues. why should sports reporting be any different?
  18. i'll let you state why so you can prove exactly how much of an idiot you are.
  19. you're an idiot. it may be redundant but.... you're an idiot.
  20. umm... we declined his fifth year option. i don't know that without a contract for next year, anyone is going to want to trade for him.
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