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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. you just know that by the time the Sunday morning political shows start, we will have horror stories about shootouts with these poor illegals who are only here to better themselves. expect fireworks in T-24....
  2. she identified as a black man. small difference....
  3. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    yes and no. right now it, in it's infancy, is going through bubble phases. what we are experiencing now may be the beginning of the fourth/fifth bubble or.... it may be setting itself up for the thrashing of completing the third bubble. if, as i suspect, we are still in the completion phase of the third/fourth bubble, we have two more to go before it ultimately settles into state sponsored levels of stability. each of the next two successive bubble is going to set mind jarring new all time highs before retreating into a correction mode. the correction mode for this next bubble when it crashes will be $20k. i have my opinions of what the ATH's will be but, perhaps for another post. lets just say though that the previous three/four bubbles have each been, respectively, two digit, three digit, four digit and five digit price points before their correction phases. i think you can see where i am going with the progression here. now, in it's infancy is when generational wealth can be derived. of course whether that is true or not is up to you to do your own diligent research and of course, as always, time will tell the tale. there is an awful lot of money to be made in a volatile market. price direction doesn't much matter if one recognizes patterns and trends. the spread is where the action is at. BTC in it's pure form (non derivative) is absolutely the definition of a free market. however, you have all these fractional markets popping up and it does manipulate the price. with that being said, right now, it probably is the freest financial market there is. an important thing to remember here is, if you do not have your crypto in a wallet that you have the private keys to, while you may own it, you do not actually have possession of your property. it is well known that all of the BTC traded on all the exchanges in the world far exceeds the actual amount of BTC in existence. ever hear of Mt. Gox? if not i suggest anyone with an interest, do some reading on it and what occurred. essentially the lesson to be taken from that nasty event is that you should only leave with a custodian what you can afford to lose. the tulip question has been continually brought up with regard, as well as the dotcom crash. in the early days of Crypto (2010/2015_ it was a valid question/concern. today, not so much. there is pretty much a consensual opinion that cryptocurrency is the future. in a way, that future is already here as the fiat USD is already nothing more than 1's and 0's on the central bank's ledger and has been for a number of years. as each year passes, the move to electronic transactions increases. what is holding back GUS (Gov US) and the rest of the world's govs from sanctioning and implementing its state sanctioned crypto? ways to prevent money laundering, terrorist funding and proliferation financing. they must preserve their (ahem) ways before sanctioning them to the (m)asses. to these ends... it just so happens that as we speak/type many things are happening to address these (ahem) concerns. just yesterday the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) concluded it's third and last plenary meeting under the US presidency (China is the next presidency). to which, they addressed these concerns and came up with a number of recommendations that are expected to go to protecting the integrity of the financial system. you can read the initiatives here: Outcomes FATF Plenary, 16-21 June 2019 prior to this latest from the FATF, the G20 had pledged to align with standards for anti-money laundering (AML) and countering the funding of terrorism (CTF) that was to be finalized at this last meeting. additionally, as per FATF recommendations, KYC rules for exchanges are set to get a lot tougher in the very near days ahead. of course, these are all trial runs right now. they are setting standards and will await the technology catching up to those standards and have the current guinea pigs test the system out as they have done all along to this point. at some future point, they will assess, make revisions and stress the system for vulnerabilities. it is going to happen, it is a natural evolution if you look at it logically. in the interim, there is a ***** of a lot of fiat to be made. https://twitter.com/FATFNews/status/1141739509429755907
  4. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    you know what is equally impressive,? with that volume, the mempool is not backlogged like it was back in late '17/early'18. transactions are clearing in a reasonable amount (for BTC anyways) of time.
  5. calling the Donner Party... Donner. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1142157021518663688
  6. https://twitter.com/monica_melvin14/status/1142118029595238401
  7. update on Jussie... Judge orders special prosecutor to examine Smollett probe CHICAGO (AP) — A judge decided to appoint a special prosecutor Friday to investigate the decision by Cook County prosecutors to dismiss all charges against actor Jussie Smollett, who was accused of lying to the police by claiming he was the victim of a racist and homophobic attack in downtown Chicago in January. In a ruling that leaves open the possibility that Smollett could be charged again, Cook County Judge Michael Toomin suggested that the county’s state’s attorney, Kim Foxx, mishandled the Smollett case by appointing a top aide to oversee it after she recused herself. ... ... “State’s attorneys are clearly not meant to have unbridled authority to appoint special prosecutors,” he said. “She appointed (her top assistant) to an office, to an entity, that has no legal existence. There isn’t an office of the ‘acting state’s attorney.’ It existed only ... in the imagination of Ms. Foxx.” “The unprecedented irregularities identified in this case warrant the appointment of independent counsel to restore the public’s confidence in the integrity of our criminal justice system,” the judge said. Toomin also left open the possibility that the special prosecutor could charge Smollett again — either with the original charges accusing him of lying to police or with other counts. ...
  8. they have already decided. they are giving him the 'Kavanaugh" treatment (or is that the Thomas treatment?) so it is all but decided. upon his discharge of the Presidency in 2025, he will automatically ascend to the speakership (Twitter be damned!) of the Supreme Court.
  9. no one cares?? what, is this guy a millennial sno flake? he isn't owed a ***** thing. you lose your job, you got a family to support... you go out and find a damn job. even if it is bagging groceries, i don't care. this ***** entitlement attitude is going to be the death of us all. ***** him.
  10. can you imagine what it took to create that .gif? wow.
  11. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    want to see a good sign? look at the bottom of this chart and look at the volume being traded daily. it is an order of magnitude higher than the end of '17/beginning of '18, our last ATH. ?
  12. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    this thread should be bouncing off the walls today. BTC broke the $10K plateau for the first time since March 8th 2018. BTC has now recovered over 200% of it's low, in this cycle, of $3206 on Dec 14, 2018.
  13. please no, anything but that. i just now forgot about them....
  14. i don't think he purposely called her Mrs. Lewandowski. we have seen him in action previously, right? he's not all there.
  15. this article has been updated, 400 pages of documents have been released. Jussie Smollett update: Chicago police release 400 pages of case files in 'Empire' actor's investigation The Chicago Police Department released more than 400 pages of official documents from "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett's case on Thursday. The documents include case reports, arrest files and supplementary files. The only new information released in Thursday documents are in the final pages, indicating that Chicago police knew weeks ahead of time that there was a deal in the works between Smollett and the Cook County State's Attorney's Office led by Kim Foxx, who later recused herself from the case. The electronic files can be found here: Smollett Electronic Case Files ...
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