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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. somebody should retweet this to occasional-cortex. https://twitter.com/RadGeekpartduex/status/1143376689457594371
  2. ***** Obama. this is what real leadership looks like. https://twitter.com/ChloeSalsameda/status/1143175143725735936
  3. https://twitter.com/realTT2024/status/1143038034322944002
  4. well.... i am probably in the minority on this but... i agree to some extent on college loan debt. there should be no way in hell for a 17 year old to have to face the daunting realization that if they want to get the education they desire that it will initially cost them $250K in loan guarantees to get that education. i am going to assume that this is a 6 year education for the sake of argument purposes here, 4 yrs. undergrad work and 2 yrs. grad work. today, the undergrad work comes at a cost of roughly 5% with the grad work weighing in @ roughly 6.5% (low numbers) to pay that loan back. there are a great many factors involved that can affect what you owe and how much you have to pay but generally, depending on whether the loans are subsidized or not can greatly affect the rate at which you obtain your loans. so.... 250K with a various repayment terms: 5 years/60 monthly payments @ 5% : Monthly: $4,833.20 Total Principal Paid: $250,000 Total Interest Paid: $39,992.02 it is estimated that you will need an annual salary of at least $566,137 to be able to afford to repay this loan. 10 year/120 monthly payments @5%: Monthly: $2,651.64 Total Principal Paid: $318,196.47 Total Interest Paid: $68,196.47 it is estimated that you will need an annual salary of at least $318,196 to be able to afford to repay this loan. 30 year/360 monthly payments @5%: Monthly: $1,342.05 Total Principal Paid: $483,141.39 Total Interest Paid:$233,141.39 it is estimated that you will need an annual salary of at least $161,046 to be able to afford to repay this loan. the above numbers are only for 5% interest rate so the actual numbers will be slightly more. this is tantamount to indentured servitude. unless you are hired to an outstanding job right out of graduation, one that pays you an astronomical salary, you have set yourself up for a lifetime of indentured servitude. it's kind of ***** to my way of thinking. don't get me wrong, i don't think forgiving the debt is the right way to tackle this issue but strapping a 23 yr. old with these prospects isn't right either.
  5. to Nancy, probably the same as 'exterior enforcement'.
  6. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1142954885505306625
  7. https://twitter.com/BrianKolfage/status/1142992535658356738
  8. yeah, i was a little disappointed when i heard they were using safety harnesses. after most of his famous walks with no safety equipment, i figured this would be the same. guess Lijuana's fall in Fla where she broke every bone in her face was enough to scrap the added element of danger.
  9. well, i guess Lijana might qualify. kinda kinky 25 stories above TS though.... ?
  10. i wouldn't. https://twitter.com/NikWallenda/status/1142830432410619904 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6lIPap-ny8
  11. not really surprising that the PA has rejected the Trump Administrations plan. they are not interested in peace and prosperity and the advancement of their peoples. https://twitter.com/WhiteHouse/status/1142450270439432192 https://twitter.com/TRTWorldNow/status/1142533969537146880 https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC/status/1142794437006782464 Trump’s ‘Opportunity of the Century’: A US$ 50B ‘Marshall Plan’ for Middle East
  12. money is not the answer for everything. a damn good amount of things but not everything.
  13. right. couple the fact that we are so far down the wrong road and the machine is so large, it is going to take decade(s) to correct fully. i have hope on several fronts here. one, i hope that in another 18 months, Trump will be re-elected and he will have dealt a blow so severe to the Dems that they may not recover, ever. once that is secured, i hope that he then turns his focus towards the corruption within the other wing of the bird, known as the Uniparty (or, Republicans). clean the whole ***** cesspool. once that has run it's course, then there will need to be someone from Trumps mindset (possibly lineage) to pick up where he has to leave off (Ivanka maybe?) just ***** obliterate the corruption within the elite. bring them back to Earth and let them know their game is not ever going to be tolerated again. Trump is doing an effective job on so many fronts at exposing and cleaning up the evils in this world. that there are those who want it to continue (ahem liberals) is baffling to me.
  14. i'm sure there was an operation, over and above their everyday actions. Trump is brilliant. he is once again proving to be a populace president. he is giving the Donners every chance to work something out. if/when they don't they will yet again prove that they are nothing more than obstructionists. i do believe he wants congress to function but they simply refuse to because they can't get past #orangemanbad and give him a victory with anything they have. regardless, he is going to come out of it smelling like a rose to the American people.
  15. excellent thread. https://twitter.com/Baba9773/status/1142629396316086272
  16. https://twitter.com/trustrestored/status/1142550036464766976
  17. https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1142686896814006272
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