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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Fanatics is a good online source. they often run sales of 20% off, you just have to be patient and watch for them.
  2. markets rise and fall all the time. both examples are valid. i know it isn't about Obama anymore but humor me here... with the collapse of 2008, seems Obama had the ripe position to claim record strides, was he able to?
  3. no, he literally meant, 2 and 1/2 years of bombing.
  4. https://twitter.com/WhiteHouse/status/1145049806974464000
  5. sure! sniping at ######s from the balcony isn't something that your average Joe or Betty Six-Pack could handle. wtf, re tards is nannied but your status isn't?
  6. the perverse is being normalized more and more everyday. they have gotten to the point where next up on the list of the perverse to normalize is pedophilia and they have already begun. don't get me wrong, if you want to be perverse, that is your business. but if you want to run for office and impose your perversion as normal on society, then i have a problem with that. time to duck the tomatoes...
  7. so.. you're a picker, a grinner, a lover, a sinner, a joker, a smoker, a midnight toker, you play your music in the sun and get your lovin' on the run.
  8. A reader wonders: “How many times can reporters and editors make this mistake?” Good question! But I am not sure it is a mistake. I wouldn’t be surprised if some reporters, knowing that the Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and being fully aware that the Southern segregationists were all Democrats, keep saying “Republican” on purpose, in order to smear the Republican party and to confuse readers into thinking that segregationism was a bipartisan phenomenon. . it's all about Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP). notice the wording being used, "Joe Biden worked with Republican segregationist senators. In fact, the senators were Democrats". conveniently omitting the proper term, Democrat segregationists. by not associating one word with the other, the braindead are not putting two and two together and are left with the previously misstated misnomer as the real connection. it is all by design, they have been studying the effects of how these things work for well over a half of a century at this point.
  9. yeah, they opened up the limited legality of them a few years back, in 2015 i think maybe.
  10. one can pretty much tailor any statistical polling to get it to say what they are wanting, depending upon the variables used. however and this is my last word on the subject for now unless this takes a turn for the more intelligent discussion, without something to measure any stat against, said stat is completely useless for purposes of having an understanding of what that stat means. in the 70's a 50% completion percentage, when weighed against peers was considered good. you take that same stat and today it is garbage because of the current context of other peer stats.
  11. your replies to and accounting from my post where it was said that without something to measure against, you can't possibly know how any stat rates. i would think that you of all people should understand this. that you are avoiding answering such an obvious question is absurd.
  12. The Dow just logged its best June return in more than 80 years
  13. pulling something out of left field in order to deflect, not surprising. this is about politics not monotheistic religions.
  14. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    nope, hasn't sailed past 20K yet.... if the current sideways trend continues, we may be looking at a wedge developing. i posted the Tweet mainly for Trumps comments. personally, according to what i believe is coming, i do not find them shocking, at all. you have to understand what his words mean in the context of what is happening within the G-20. it goes back to my earlier posting about events that have happened with FATF and other notable excerpts from the meetings. disclaimer here... i am reading between the lines somewhat and my biases cloud objective opinion. take it for what it's worth.
  15. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    from the G-20 meeting currently going on in Japan. https://twitter.com/gordongekko369/status/1144452932311691264 USD dominance is coming to an end. https://twitter.com/kfrazine/status/1144465285518221316
  16. i agree for the most part. however, the Google search results would seem to lend support that she won the debate. while one does not disprove the other, one does at the very least, lend credence to the other. lets not mention the fact that i would not put it past the world's largest conspiracy pusher to fabricate a false narrative. it's not like they haven't done so before now.
  17. you're an idiot of certifiable proportions. tell me this Einstein, what do you make of the report that Goggle said Tulsi was the most searched after the debates? one does not seem to jive with the other. it couldn't be that MSNBC is creating a false narrative because.. you know, Democrats would never do that. oh..... wait......
  18. the fireworks are just warming up. As Pelosi betrays leftists to pass bipartisan border bill, the battle with AOC officially begins
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