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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. well, when the guy pronounces routes as 'roots', whadya expect. Barr whiffed, plain and simple.
  2. lol. your are truly out there. who just made up the oppositions position? holy schmoly, up is down, left is right, wet is dry in your ***** world, ain't it?
  3. riiiight. the left just want to control guns into nonexistence with all their, 'laws'.
  4. simple logic here... Eric is educated, Karen is schooled. amiright @GregPersons??
  5. idiot, look to the bottom of the graphic and see who issued it. are you really this stoopid?
  6. it's called, 'black on black crime' because of the staggering numbers, idiot. that said, demographics are a leading factor.
  7. lemme guess... Snopes debunked it. amirigggghhhhttttt??? you're an idiot. https://twitter.com/DianeRMurray/status/1271799069170679808
  8. you're delusional on the news front too? mmmkay.
  9. also, i see where they have instituted reparations in CHAZ already. every white person there had to give one black person $10 before they left.
  10. wow. i knew you were out there but i didn't know just how delusional you were. i think you should seriously consider seeking help for the disconnect you have with the realities on the ground. yes, the media is actively manipulating opinion. is that a news flash of some sort?
  11. https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1271525264409976833
  12. look at the signature, NOID68... same Walt Disney font. lol... 'Feelz' alert!!!
  13. and... we have learned nothing from 2016, apparently.
  14. https://twitter.com/KyleMartinsen_/status/1271626236952039425
  15. Sundances' take, over at the CTH, on today's proceedings. seems to make quite a bit of sense in today's environment. Understanding Likelihood of DC Circuit Denying Petition for Writ of Mandamus….
  16. hahahahahahahaaa, you weren't looking in the mirror when you blurted this out were you?
  17. there is one simple answer to all 10 questions... you're an idiot. you can now leave and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out...
  18. a good read. https://twitter.com/LeeSmithDC/status/1270583489189027840
  19. no.. what is odd is that you didn't create a thread for them... you know... since there are dozens of them....
  20. please point me to those 'dozens of threads' where a white girl was killed by a black man. i'll wait... nice attempt at discrete NLP programming there with your not so random capitalizations..... kinda like your, not so random capitalizations? pot/kettle much???
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