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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Perot was anti-establishment. however, he was too much a gentleman to call them what they so obviously were/are.
  2. also, after lobbying the government to no avail, he sent his own boys into Iran to rescue two of his employees who were kidnapped.
  3. 20% was pretty damn good. it also gave the erection election to Clinton.
  4. Jim, i was merely pointing out that everyone reacts differently. if you watch the video again, you can clearly see that the male anchor was definitely concerned, though it does not appear that he was freaking out as the female anchor was. at the end, while she was ducking under the desk, he appears to be looking at some notes or some such on the desk, he didn't immediately duck under the desk. further, in another of the other clips, specifically the one of the grocery store, it appears that they were standing around filming the lights swaying, they certainly were not immediately concerned about seeking cover. everyone reacts differently depending upon their perceived sense of danger. i'm could be wrong but i think i am pretty sure that if it was 'only' a 4 pointer that you would have possibly said, 'meh, that was nothing'. while quite possibly others may have been freaking out telling you to get under cover. not a big deal, not looking for an argument, just pointing out what my perception of the clip was.
  5. Jim, in EII defense (and i'm not in the habit of defending him to be sure), regarding the video in question, it seemed the male anchor was not too alarmed by the 'quake. he sure wasn't in a hurry to get under the desk, in fact, he didn't. peeps are all different, everyone reacts differently.
  6. some things in life are just amazing to behold.... like for instance, the last page of this thread.
  7. Ross was Trump before Trump was Trump.
  8. meh. Lowes sells lots of blems and defects. there's a reason they pander to the home owner.
  9. https://twitter.com/mikehahn_/status/1148408729768996864
  10. https://mars.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?rawid=NRB_614635188EDR_S0760988NCAM00595M_&s=2446
  11. horrific. https://twitter.com/LilaGraceRose/status/1148340916291162112
  12. if true, the mullahs must be pretty desperate to save their hides.
  13. this came about because of Epstein's arrest but probably is better suited here than there. thread. https://twitter.com/CarrollQuigley1/status/1147902786744414209
  14. from the article: ... “I was like a minor wizard because he would be casting spells, and I would see people mesmerized, but because I’m a minor wizard, the spells don’t work on me,” said Gates ... when they tell you who they are, believe them.
  15. it would appear that they have been in a death spiral for some time now. "You could see Lehman-style scenes outside Deutsche Bank on Monday...It's very sad what's happening."
  16. how's the prostate doing these days?
  17. the banalities of the banal rarely, if ever, offers up something original.
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