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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. House bill targets use of Pentagon networks for child pornography ... The Pentagon's Defense Criminal Investigative Service subsequently identified hundreds of DOD-affiliated individuals as suspects involved in accessing child pornography, several of whom used government devices to view and share the images. The END Network Abuse Act would require the Pentagon to enter into agreements with groups including law enforcement, child protection services, social services, and trauma-informed healthcare providers in order to cut down or halt the spread and impact of these images on DOD networks. The bill would also upgrade the training and technical expertise of the military organizations involved in investigating these types of crimes. ...
  2. we were coming back into America one time after an extended stay in Toronto partying. one of my buddies was passed out behind my drivers seat in the van. the agents were asking everyone their nationality and couldn't get him to answer them. after several tries he was obviously annoyed and in a slumber blurted out, 'Ethiopia". that was it, we were held until they searched the van and were satisfied that my lily white friend was indeed not of Ethiopian descent.
  3. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    the only downside to the rising fiat price is that the Difficulty is rising to all time highs. the last jump and the next are astronomical. makes my mining rigs look weak.
  4. smile. if you can, always give a hand up. lead by example. don't pee in the wind and don't ***** in your own backyard.
  5. they are criminals. if you don't want them to be criminals, then change the ***** law. all she's doing is pandering, no different than most politicians. yeah, no. Canadians are exempt.
  6. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    i got ya. yeah, no. it is a good thing actually. from the article which i agree with wholeheartedly: ... Despite the bearish sentiment of Trump’s first crypto tweets, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong is counting it as a win just to have Trump tweeting about crypto at all. Armstrong retweeted Trump and added: “Achievement unlocked! I dreamt about a sitting U.S. president needing to respond to growing cryptocurrency usage years ago. ‘First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.’ We just made it to step 3 y'all.” awareness is a good thing. if they feel a need to respond to it, it means it is upon their radar.
  7. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    McAfee is a moron.
  8. right. the Tea Party was the base from which the Trump organization's support was founded upon. the Dems are severely miscalculating the ground swell that has sprung up against their fascist ideals. don't believe the main stream propagandists, we are not the minority. if by chance they are successful (always a chance, right?) and retake the Presidency in 2020 and try to continue to implement their agenda from the Obama days, as well as the deranged ideals that they are currently embarking upon, there is going hell to pay. look at the order of magnitude the Tea Party demographic underwent from it's initial support during the Obama years to Trumps Presidency. the next order of magnitude is going to stupefy if they are that oblivious. we are headed for a violent, physical confrontation, of which i am increasingly convinced is their end game.
  9. maybe you should go see your Aunt in Texas for the weekend?
  10. Executive Order it is. though not via the Census, per se.
  11. it was a protest outage, a temper tantrum if you like. it is however back up now.
  12. https://twitter.com/DylanFedericoWX/status/1148951142832988161 https://twitter.com/SteveWAFB/status/1148964714451558400
  13. shout out to @ShadyBillsFan for the prompt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTOnuiezOaM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSWUX-uQtuc
  14. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    on the old BBMB when i started the Bitcoin thread, it was $600 per. when i started this thread here, it was $1200. correct, there will only ever be 21mm BTC in existence. the current block reward for solving a complicated mathematical equation is currently 12.5 BTC. with current hashing power, somewhere around the end of May 2020 the reward will halve whereby the reward will be 6.25 BTC per block.
  15. one *might think the DOJ is doing this on purpose to get it tossed?
  16. actually, it might be the Taylor Swift thing again.
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