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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. merely suggesting that the speed of light is not static.
  2. this suggests the speed of light is static. 7142.85714286 seconds or 119.047619048 minutes or almost 2 hours
  3. yeah, i dunno. you could be right but with the reaction from several of the attendees (though, to be sure, not all reacted the same way), it would seem that there was something more than just a Presidential letterhead and his signature.
  4. today, with all the things that are ongoing, my mind wanders back to the Bush Sr. funeral and the possible note they all got.
  5. lots of people have potential. unrealized potential is nothing more than a waste of space. while i agree with my last there, i'm not convinced the potential hasn't been maxed out.
  6. perhaps one might be able to explain exactly how this is racist. "... Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.”
  7. unless i missed it, i have seen no one mention Netflix's, 'Dark'. just finished season 2 last night and i hope they do a season 3. not wanting to give the plot away, i will just say it is about time and has all kinds of paradoxes. i am usually pretty good at seeing plot twists coming and such but never really got that with this one. you have to pay attention and binge watching might be the best way to keep it all in order. curious what anyone else who may have watched it thinks.
  8. if one wants to take one-third of an extended tweet out of the entire context, sure, you might be able to lay claim to racism. however, this is a time worn tactic for those whose have an ax to grind. placed in it's proper context though, you can not claim racism, it is disingenuous at best.
  9. that is funny. however, proper usage of words and the correct spelling prevents it being diminished.
  10. https://twitter.com/NewsBreaking/status/1150419894883819526
  11. https://twitter.com/Tian_A1/status/1150429018883264512
  12. at some point, there will be a shot that is heard around the world. would not surprise me in the least if it became a world wide civil war. we just need to remember who the enemy is and it aint you, nor i nor Tibs.
  13. what is this? the 5th investigation which has determined there is insufficient evidence to bring charges against Trump. give it up Donners, you lost the election and the President was duly elected. elections have consequences, amiright? https://twitter.com/eorden/status/1149802048633942021
  14. apparently we all missed this yesterday... https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/1150107711650111489
  15. oh, i think there is already a plan to draft her. i mean... you've seen the nutjobs they have put out there, right?
  16. https://twitter.com/almostjingo/status/1149842342473420801
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUyllVQscNc
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