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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i'm talking about your sitcom maths. that article validates my stance and Duffy's and everyone else who called you on your ill formed formula. again, i'm thinking you have absolutely no idea, whatsoever it is saying about your equation.
  2. i know this is getting out of AOC territory here but since the other discussion is here..... this is precious https://twitter.com/almostjingo/status/1151250957763674112
  3. holy crap. i hate to break it to you, but you are the one who is lost here. the fact that this as been achieved by mankind completely blows a hole right through your sitcom maths. are you that blind you can't see it? it's that or possibly you have no idea what was achieved.
  4. ahh yes, but don't forget that the other 73% are pre-formed ahead of time to appear made up on the spot, 82% of the time.
  5. you think it was an accident that articles of impeachment were introduced while Nancy was prohibited from the floor? pshaw.
  6. Nancy Pelosi, leader of the do nothing Dems since 2018.
  7. universe sure has it's sense of humor doesn't it, @4merper4mer. this puts a serious dent in your hypothesis.
  8. let me see if i have this right..... if her words would have been stricken, she would have been allowed back on the floor to... because they were not stricken, she broke house rulz and is punished by having her words written into record? i am firmly convinced we have been teleported to htraE....
  9. any idea how many times this has happened to the Speaker?
  10. come on, be honest, you have an extreme affinity for that sitcom maths.
  11. they should be recorded and should have always been recorded. what are they afraid of, being held to task? disingenuous *****.
  12. i heard on the radio today (please excuse me, it was a busy day and I don't remember who said it), that, among Dems, AOC has a 20% approval rating and Omar has a 9% approval rating.
  13. it's all good, just remember to follow the golden rule... when in a menage trois, no sword crossing.
  14. the latter is a nutrition drink for the elderly, right?
  15. what is the IA at the end of LBGTQIA? Idiots Abroad?
  16. ******************************************************************* no worries. i thought it obvious with the usage of the word, 'again' but i prolly should have included the /sarc.
  17. nah, just because you want sitcom maths to say the speed of light is static, does not mean that i have to let it go unchallenged. your apparent attempt at shaming me for pointing out your failed logic is dubious and calls into question your motivations.
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