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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. a second tanker? https://twitter.com/ClipperData/status/1152297077524897795
  2. this is what he can not comprehend, at all. it is like he has blinders on and we're all hate filled chans because we don't swallow his shtick. he fails to see that if you bring a good game, it don't matter what side of the ledger you exist upon.
  3. tic... tic... tic.... https://twitter.com/UKDefJournal/status/1152262284913336320
  4. lets not forget that we have a population of 320 mm in a world of 7.5 bn. roughly 1/23 of the world's populace. granted, our footprint is pretty big but reducing our carbon footprint would only be a drop in the bucket without the rest of the world doing the same. myself, i believe in green energy but that is me, i am not forcing it upon anyone, it is a choice i have made
  5. no need to go to war over lack of water, there really isn't a scarcity though that is probably what the leftist's would like you to think. this article is two years old now. Israel Proves the Desalination Era Is Here necessity is and always has been the mother of invention.
  6. 4mer, just wanted to let you know i have not abandoned you here. real busy meatspace this past week. will try to get you a response this weekend.
  7. hey Plenz, sorry for the delay in responding here. lol. yeah, no, i'm hodling my BTC for now. i would love to go but unfortunately i am unable to commit at this point. which probably for all intents and purposes. due to the logistical nature of it means most likely not. should something change and the logistics are able to be worked out, i will let you know. as for that i don't remember how you owe me one but... okay . maybe we could hook up at a home game at some point, but you'll have to let me return the favor and get you a as well.
  8. they are one of my favorite bands. their early raw raunchy sound is/was one of the greatest ever.
  9. https://twitter.com/Cheezburger/status/1143128245358989317 30 Outrageous Sights You Will Only See In Dubai
  10. oh. my. god. we are sooo *****
  11. i hope you like it. i can tell you, at first, i was like, 'whattttt'?? do i want to invest this much effort into keeping track of what is what here? i love thought provoking stuff so it was a no brainer for me. looking forward to season 3 (thank you @wnysteel) already as the end of season 2 presented a very interesting twist to the plot line.
  12. we are fortunate. yes, we here at the PPP subset of TBD have our very own, 'squad'. it includes, @BeginnersMind (wanna be der idiot leader), @McGee Return TD, @Buftex and @Tiberius. the little engines who couldn't. indeed... life imitates art far more than art imitates life"
  13. you're racist. i demand you be impeached and removed from TBD.
  14. see, this proves your bias. 'any other ... blah, blah... freaking blah.
  15. my take is that they want to run the most outlandish group, ever, to secure Trump's 2nd term. how else can you explain the madness?????????
  16. oh no! say it isn't so... a former Tx. judge is leaving the GOP... whatever shall we do?
  17. i'm no fan of the Bern but he doesn't hold a candle to the rhetoric the squad members spew in Trump and America's direction. this is why they were the recipients of his tweeted ire. nothing more. could this have been directed at the Bern?
  18. i am aware of Drake's Equation. are you aware that the original equation was revised, downward to more closely align with your preconceived notions? i like to think i am pretty objective and i have always been quite good with math. in fact if it weren't for an incident out of my control, i might have had a very different life that focused on math but that is another matter entirely. Definitions ofobjectivity 1 njudgment based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices using the above definition, it is my opinion that you seem to be the one lacking any semblance of subjectivity here. you are married to your sitcom maths and any argument to the contrary, no matter the context, you reject it out of hand. lets try to break it down a little so perhaps you can gain a better understanding of my position. there is one constant in any equation, it requires that each and every variable be true in order for the arrived upon solution to be correct and unimpeachable. would you agree with this? of course you would, you have to if you understand any maths at all. here is where my perceived problem stems from. i believe that, at a minimum, one or more of the variables in Drakes Equation are wrong. to illustrate this, and what i have been trying to get through to you is, the Time magazine article just upends the whole equation by Drake, all by itself. if you care to stop being disingenuous and have a conversation about the implications here, we can do so. otherwise... well, i don't know what to say other than to have a nice day and i will bid you adieu.
  19. i was thinking more like 35/40 years ago.
  20. you're being disingenuous. you obviously have a formula that supports your stance. unless of course you're pulling your claims out of your backside.
  21. gotcha. it's okay that you have no understanding whatsoever of what this means for your formula.
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