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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. it's not that Trump brings it, its that the left brings it. if the left and their lackeys the mian stream media weren't determined to run a soft coup, Trump wouldn't have be what he is. lets put the majority of an establishment againt you and see what you are.
  2. and yet... the Donners rejected humanitarian aid 17 times. hilarious the feigned outrage.
  3. me, i'm a Polock, but i'm definitely not Pollock, i'm not that tasty. imitation crab can be Pollock but it is mostly Alaskan Whitefish.
  4. lmao. you dumb Polock. Pollock is not Polock. a Pollock is a fish. a Polock is, well.... i don't think i have to say it.
  5. i'm just disappointed that you didn't take my Pollock comment hook, line and sinker.
  6. okay, you have to admit this is a funny troll. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1152700326010601477
  7. yep, well aware as it is within my field of business.
  8. i swear universe is always tryin' to tell us something. if i didn't know better, i'd swear that could be Cortez, Omar, Talib and Pressly there.
  9. i knew it, i just knew you were a Pollock. so.... you're saying that approximately half of america is racist? come on, i don't think you're this dumb.
  10. maybe it's just me but i have a severe aversion to legislated mandates.
  11. of course, being the world's reserve may have contributed to inflation not roosting. i know Japan had been doing the QE thing prior to 2008, but i am under informed on whether or not that resulted in inflation of any sorts there. i also do know that the EU began QE in i think, 2015 through to 2018. maybe it was a case of the major western economies each doing so that prevented one from hyper-inflating against the other fiats of the world.
  12. quantitative easing was created by the government to kick start the economy after the financial meltdown of 2008. it entailed the government buying... government bonds (and mortgage backed securities). possibly put another way, creating money/digi-dollars out of thin air. through 4 rounds, i believe the estimate is that somewhere around 3.5 trillion dollars was created out of thin air. at the time, there were many arguments for and against it. one of the main ones against it was that they were debasing the value of the USD by increasing the supply with nothing tangible to back it other than the faith of the US. i guess that in today's terms, that it has not come home to roost in the form of inflation (of any sorts) could be construed as evidence that debt does not matter. i'm sure @TPS and @GG might have slightly different takes.
  13. stop being disingenuous, freezie pops. here i thought you wanted to have an honest discussion. to answer your sarcasm,... if you are observing, they surely won't on a quantum level.
  14. PLenz, not sure what the question here is.
  15. and then in the next sentence he said they should come back. haha haha the words are not hard to read, they were posted above.
  16. 4mer, Drakes Equation is thus: i guess, for me, it is a belief that the equation is just plain wrong. it may have some or most of the variables correct but the one omission i would say it is lacking is probably the most important one, our ability to detect signals emitted. as i have alluded to with the Time article, the quantum entanglement nature of communications all but rules out someone being able to detect a signal. any observance of the state of a particle collapses the entanglement. at most, all one would be able to detect might be a short burst before it collapsed. there are many of these so called bursts that disappear. we don't know what we don't know.
  17. because, you know... quantitative easing. amiright?
  18. oh boy. this post deserves to be in the idiot's hall of fame.
  19. my bad, i didn't see that @Hedge was already on top of it in the Trump Foreign Policy thread.
  20. that article is hilarious. i am being lazy so i am not going to post the image (it won't right click it to give the address) of the, 'non-gendered replacement terms' but suffice it to say... don't worry, in twenty years or so the libs will be revisiting all of this again to change at least half of them. you just know the Furries will be triggered for being called a, 'person' and revolt. they will probably want to be called, 'a four legged friendly' or some such. and heaven help us if AI takes on a liberal mindset, they would want to be called, a 'sentient' until that triggers one of them.
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