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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i know you desire my attention and all but i have been too busy to give you any, so run along and go play in traffic now. i'll give you credit though, you know when your being stupid.
  2. he really is. i think he was the last fan off the Tyrod train. if that doesn't tell you everything you need to know..... he prolly still has that Tyrod Fathead on his bedroom ceiling...
  3. no but hyper inflation can sure make that fiat worthless. they, are the buyer of last resort. even though it is a sham, they will always sell them (to themselves if they have to).
  4. right. many would be surprised at how much better the OTA picture is.
  5. thanks. i just wanted to be sure i hadn't missed 'em somehow.
  6. there is a word for that and it is not, 'female'.
  7. does anyone know if the transcripts dropped? https://twitter.com/GeorgePapa19/status/1156412024399679488
  8. omg. when are the ***** idiots going to realize this ***** is out of control. a man having a period, give me a ***** break.
  9. the elite are so out of touch with the everyday man it isn't funny. they think they can just railroad us into whatever they want and we will accept it blindly. the sheep will but more are waking to their shenanigans every day.
  10. hate to break it to you dude, but i'm thinking she's lying to you. she just wants to mash the ***** out of you.
  11. https://twitter.com/HadassahBenjam2/status/1156066102272811008
  12. https://twitter.com/realJeffreyP/status/1156046503644979202
  13. you need to practice your sarcasm then.
  14. i dunno. if we go by Trump's Tweet here, it would seem to suggest there will be another who will be acting DNI while Ratcliff is taken through the confirmation process. of course, i could be taking it out of context i guess, what's your take on the wording here? https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1155580142225383425?
  15. as Graham has said he is going to do, he needs to have GPap come before the Senate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGgFFr7xdFc
  16. i thought there was a 6.1 mm savings if he was cut or traded?
  17. more than likely, the dog and pony show is what is important here. in order to find him guilty of conspiracy, as DR pointed out, there would need to be actual evidence and not manufactured hearsay. additionally, if he was found guilty of conspiracy, they would have to actually impeach Trump on the collusion grounds and then that opens that whole ***** show to cross which they can not afford as it would raise questions to the public that they would rather not have put in the forefront.
  18. you do realize that the sane people are the ones institutionalized, right?
  19. suck it Democrats and get ready for another 4 year term. https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1154951512029835264
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