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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. only you could make this topic about you.
  2. it's on channel 8.1 tonight, CBS. being as they are also in a dispute with DTVNow, you still might not be able to get it unless you get that free thing called, OTA.
  3. yes but won't relevant portions be redacted (black out) due to an ongoing investigation, thereby making discovery irrelevant at this point? or perhaps his suit gets delayed until said investigation is over?
  4. calculators in the classroom participation trophies mommy not slapping juniors hand when he steals allowing stand up peeer's to use sit down peer's bathrooms paying people not to work sense a theme here yet??
  5. Pythagorean wins ... The formula has also been used in pro football by football stat website and publisher Football Outsiders, where it is known as Pythagorean projection. The formula is used with an exponent of 2.37 and gives a projected winning percentage. That winning percentage is then multiplied by 16 (for the number of games played in an NFL season), to give a projected number of wins. This projected number given by the equation is referred to as Pythagorean wins. The 2011 edition of Football Outsiders Almanac[11] states, "From 1988 through 2004, 11 of 16 Super Bowls were won by the team that led the NFL in Pythagorean wins, while only seven were won by the team with the most actual victories. Super Bowl champions that led the league in Pythagorean wins but not actual wins include the 2004 Patriots, 2000 Ravens, 1999 Rams and 1997 Broncos." Although Football Outsiders Almanac acknowledges that the formula had been less-successful in picking Super Bowl participants from 2005–2008, it reasserted itself in 2009 and 2010. Furthermore, "[t]he Pythagorean projection is also still a valuable predictor of year-to-year improvement. Teams that win a minimum of one full game more than their Pythagorean projection tend to regress the following year; teams that win a minimum of one full game less than their Pythagoerean projection tend to improve the following year, particularly if they were at or above .500 despite their underachieving. For example, the 2008 New Orleans Saints went 8–8 despite 9.5 Pythagorean wins, hinting at the improvement that came with the next year's championship season." ...
  6. so... is Zay a lock to make the team? asking for a friend....
  7. au contraire my friend, freezie pops. Earth is a very young planet. ever wonder why the continents look like puzzle pieces that fit together? because at one time, they did... back when the Earth was very tiny (in celestial terms of course). dinosaurs roamed the Earth when it was smaller than it is now, the lessor gravity of a smaller sphere allowed for larger mammals back then. man is progressively getting shorter and shorter... because the Earth is ever expanding thanks to the plasma core. just think, some day in the distant future we will be as mighty as ants on a planet as large as Jupiter. now you know why we can't detect intelligent alien life signals, because we are looking in all the wrong places.... ?
  8. https://twitter.com/TheLastRefuge2/status/1157375587171930113
  9. https://twitter.com/realmajordan/status/1157408116914491397
  10. try again Tibsey. https://twitter.com/SteveScalise/status/1157287802939355138
  11. socialism... amiright?? https://twitter.com/BLaw/status/1153752825148727296
  12. i don't think that's fair. he is adamant that anyone is going to beat Trump. i say if a dark horse catches it and loses, he should have to wear the avatar of your choosing for a decade.
  13. i don't want to ever see another member here use Snopes as a fact check. https://twitter.com/seanmdav/status/1156239124036227072
  14. thanks. knew i had to be missing something here. ETA: additionally, does he lose if a dark horse is nominated?
  15. i hope this is the right thread (can't keep track these days). https://twitter.com/RepRatcliffe/status/1157354812054409216 https://twitter.com/RepRatcliffe/status/1157354813690208256 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1157352001593892864
  16. how is this any different than you getting the field? oy vey!
  17. deleting that thread is very weak sauce. there was a a lot of important posterity cataloged there. @Alaska Darin it would be a shame to lose all that cataloging.
  18. omg. this is just too ***** funny. https://twitter.com/Jamesmasen1/status/1157112864961785856
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