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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i would like to see the videos. hope you can upload them somewhere.
  2. videos hosted on Twitter or YouTube do not utilize the forum's bandwidth, they usurp those platforms bandwidth. same with images that are hosted elsewhere. can you not just create a Vimeo or YouTube account and upload them there, then link them here? what you want is a host for the videos that you can link here.
  3. https://twitter.com/mizdonna/status/1161361666686275586
  4. some one needs to do a deep dive into this. is there a thread that connects all of these, *ahem suicides? did they see Weiners laptop?
  5. i actually believe this is an excellent idea. a separate Asian Carp thread should be created everyday. this way it would preoccupy all of @ExiledInIllinois' time and and keep the rest of the threads on this site sanitized. he can make those threads all about himself and the heavens can then rejoice in the knowledge that the other 99% of the board will not be solely about EIL.
  6. warning: Q and Pizzagate references within along with a few disturbing images. an article from March of this year. RACHEL CHANDLER EXPOSED AS A CHILD PROCURER FOR THE SATANIC ELITE BY Q
  7. what is this? is this true? first i am hearing of it if so.. https://twitter.com/ImJulianAssange/status/1161006773836238848
  8. i'm thinking the league needs to administer a substance test for this young man. he is obviously delusional.
  9. what were you expecting? i'll take your word for it that you won, here... you can quit your whining now.
  10. as the Age of Pisces (or, Age of Deception) departs and the Age of Aquarius begins, there is to be a reckoning, of which we are currently experiencing.
  11. it's almost over. no worries, in a couple of weeks you won't be able to wear white again until Memorial Day next year.
  12. the infamous Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs from the Brookings' Institute the Brookings' Report Wiki the US House of Representatives reprint of the actual study. roughly a two page excerpt on, "the implications of a discovery of extraterrestrial life" a Medium post on the the Brookings’ Report
  13. apologies if posted previously. however, interesting read... Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal
  14. you'll always be 'Freezie Pops' to me.
  15. not true. i just clicked on it and it brought back all kinds of, #clintonbodycount. ETA: it even works on a 'search' and auto fills.
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