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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/TheLastRefuge2/status/1162445773755310081
  2. transcript of that townhall. The New York Times Unites vs. Twitter
  3. okay, just a bit of discomfort here with regard to the whole narrative surrounding human trafficking and pedophilia. if one were to completely buy the Q thing and that Trump was selected by certain military group to put an end to the corruption in DC and the whole human trafficking issue, the issue of Stephen Feinberg being the chair of Trumps Intelligence Advisory Board does not sit well with me. Stephen Feinberg is the co-founder of Cerberus Capital Management. of which, one of his holdings is DynCorp, of whom is notorious for it's involvement in human trafficking and sex slavery scandals. i understand that DynCorp states that Feinberg is not on the board of the company so he has no real involvement in the company other than owning them, per sey. he over paid for them and it has been a losing venture i get that Cerberus was/is trying to divest itself of DynCorp but as far as i know, they still own them. the whole thing just seems to fly against everything that the Trump Administration stands against and it stinks to high heaven.
  4. why in the bloody hell would you do something like that? do you know how much posterity you simply flushed?
  5. ah yes, God's country. i hope your son does well there, Plenz.
  6. or the documents HC conveniently left behind in a hotel room...
  7. thread. scroll up... https://twitter.com/GregRubini/status/1162046829174935552
  8. no idea if this was posted last year and i can't speak for the veracity, so take it for what it's worth for you. thread. https://twitter.com/_Montana_Bound_/status/1051230784986714112
  9. Nancy thinks she runs China as well?
  10. i like Kevin Burkhardt. since i am a Mets fan, i've been listening to him for a long time. he's really good.
  11. classy move there. using a bandanna for his pocket square.
  12. i dunno. the chess board has changed a bit since WWII. with today's technology, i don't believe there would be any winners in a confrontation between two giants. there would only be losers.
  13. hmmm... i wonder if it is a play on Lewinsky. was she wearing red heels when she, umm..... was puffing that cigar?
  14. it's about time that somebody had the balls to say, "sorry, you got balls.. no can do".
  15. who knew you had to go to college to become an insurance salesman.
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