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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. no worries. when he loses his bet with me on Allen making the Pro Bowl, he will no longer be able to jinx the Bills for a year by making any prediction of any sort and then maybe we will be able to move ahead.
  2. the curse of the OP's predictions is ruling the day yet again.
  3. O'Brien is nuts. he also traded with the Chiefs to acquire Carlos Hyde. do they have any draft picks left for 2020?
  4. dude, i'm sorry if i got your knickers in a wad. i was only playing and bustin' on ya, no harm meant. if you think i broke the TOS and upset you, i'm sorry... it wasn't meant to be that way, it was more lighthearted than anything. it was based upon your incessant need to try and prove anyone and everyone wrong who happens to believe in the possible chance of intelligent life outside of that which resides upon Earth. the vociferous manner in which you do so makes one wonder whether it is yourself that you are trying to convince or if you are truly afraid that those aliens might be coming here looking for you. either way, the chosen stance you have taken is ... out there. nice, hit (kudos) with the Bitcoin reference. though i firmly believe in crypto as the future of commerce, i am not nearly as intense in defending my stance as you are with the intelligent life elsewhere thing. correct, we have not interacted a whole lot down in the dungeon, though i do suspect as well, you are right in that we probably agree much more than we would disagree on political matters. hell, we probably agree on a whole lot of other items as well. i think your '12th' meme is funny as hell but i think you know that as well. i just hope your really wrong, though i would not be surprised if you are right. yes it was related to the UFO thread. however, in no way was it due to frustration of facts. your belief that you have presented a strong and sound argument backed by factual evidence shows the level of misconception you are under, with regard. i do not believe you have convinced even one soul here, that is how vapid your arguments have been. again, i apologize, i was just busting on ya. now i know that you can't take a joke and hence forth i shall never play with you again. all interaction will be straightforward. if it would make you feel better, go ahead and post a link to my profile with my chosen pronoun, which by the way is, 'Foxx'. it wouldn't bother me in the slightest and if it helps, more power to it. also, i just get a kick out of your chosen pronoun, i think it is too funny, hence why i use it in reference. but i shall desist. i mean all of the above in earnest and hope we're , 'good'. it's all good man.
  5. Carr is pulled at the half and Peterman leads the Raiders to the playoffs.
  6. do you think they'll find freezie pops ego out there?
  7. Easy Sheet Pan Spatchcock Chicken Dinner Ingredients 4-5 pound whole chicken, giblets removed 3-4 tablespoons Primal Palate Steak Seasonings 4-5 gold potatoes, quartered 4-5 carrots, chopped (similar size as the potatoes) 2-3 bulbs of garlic avocado oil or other fat 1 teaspoon garlic powder salt and pepper, to taste parsley, for garnish Directions Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Place chicken breast side down, with the legs towards you. Using poultry shears, cut up along each side of the backbone to remove it. Turn the chicken over then press down on the breastbone with the heel of your hand to flatten it out. Place the flattened chicken on a baking sheet. Toss potatoes and carrots in avocado oil, salt and pepper and garlic powder and place throughout the sheet pan around the chicken. Then cut off the end of the garlic bulb, exposing the cloves of garlic and pour some avocado oil into the bulb to coat, sprinkle with salt and place on baking sheet. Place in oven to bake for 50 minutes, until the thickest part of the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees. Once everything is cooked, slice the chicken to serve then squeeze the garlic cloves out. I eat these garlic cloves by themselves but they are great when you mash them and mix it with a little olive oil and salt! Sprinkle with parsley on top and eat up, buttercup! by juli
  8. until you (we) have a QB who is a proven commodity, evaluations at WR are going to be suspect. Allen needs to progress to a minimum level before we really know what we have here and subsequently, what we need here.
  9. i don't know if money was/is at the root of his retirement but i suspect the fans that booed him had the same initial reaction i had when i learned of it... two weeks before the season starts?? are you kidding me, what a gut punch.
  10. hockey stick inverse in the corporate bond yields leads me to believe that inflation (hyper?) is setting in.
  11. https://twitter.com/ClayTravis/status/1166036844791980032
  12. space the final frontier. unless you fill it, you end up with a void.
  13. it is relegated to Sunday nights at this point.
  14. for a 1 year rental? no way. if he was able to negotiate, yes, sure but he can't so.....
  15. https://twitter.com/UniverCurious/status/1165425142777950208
  16. Clowney holds all the cards here. he is only going to sign his tender, when he negotiates where he is going to go. if he negotiates his way here, there is every reason to think that he would re-up with us. i understand that things happen and it is possible that something might happen that would cause him not to resign with us, however the original intent is all one can ask for with the standing of what is allowable with his situation. there is also the franchise tag option. while not desirable, it is a tool available to the team that trades for him. for this reason, i think there would be a draft pick involved that is contingent on him resigning with whatever team he negotiates with.
  17. i think often people are somewhat initially resistant to change. yet they do come around after some time with the new concepts. while on the other hand, if it was a totally crap idea, the board would be in an uproar, which it would seem, we do not have that type of reaction. i often find that in life, as with my work, it kind of speaks to you and tells you what it needs and/or wants, you just have to be cognizant of what it is saying to you. if you find that certain topics are receiving too little attention/postings, then perhaps that might not be an ideal thread. while, if you have one that is getting a lot of attention, maybe look to see if it may be better off being broken up. personally, i am an organization freak. i like most things nice and neat and tidy. i do understand that that is not always possible nor desired but if it works, all the better. to my way of thinking, let the board atmosphere dictate, just be sure to listen to what it is saying.
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