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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. that's what you got from that? you really are a nerd aren't you.
  2. i'll give you credit for one thing. once you grab hold of something, your like a rabid dog until the obvious is body slammed unto you. tff
  3. another one that will probably go nowhere. ACLJ Files Lawsuit Against FBI Over FOIA Regarding Comey’s Spies in the White House
  4. another victory for the ol' boys network.... https://twitter.com/AP/status/1169330184702582784
  5. i don't know i would definitely stay away from Rigid (HD is my fav store). years ago i bought their top of the line table saw (cast iron top) and that thing was a dog. i couldn't rip a 2x4 with it. i was in disbelief at how much it sucked. seems they are run by Emerson motors, which after some post frustration research, aren't very good. i sold it on Craigs List and bought a Bosch. that thing will rip a Poplar 2x4 with ease (not really with ease but it will rip Poplar).
  6. cordless - DeWalt or Milwaukee are the only ones worth your money. i am very tough on my tools and these stand up to the tasks.
  7. i'd say the Bears and Ravens are way over ranked.
  8. and if we extrapolate this out... 2 losses against the Patriots means we have to go 7-4 throughout the rest of the schedule. the Phins and Pats games kind of wash each other out, no?
  9. China's lunar rover has found something weird on the moon's far side China's Chang'e-4 lunar rover has discovered an unusually colored, "gel-like" substance during its exploration activities on the far side of the moon. The mission's rover, Yutu-2, stumbled on that surprise during lunar day 8. The discovery prompted scientists on the mission to postpone other driving plans for the rover, and instead focus its instruments on trying to figure out what the strange material is. Day 8 started on July 25; Yutu-2 began navigating a path through an area littered with various small impact craters, with the help and planning of drivers at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center, according to a Yutu-2 "drive diary" published on Aug. 17 by the government-sanctioned Chinese-language publication Our Space, which focuses on space and science communication. ...
  10. add Leshaun McCoy and the two players we traded, Teller and Bodine and a total of 6 of our players from the pre-season are now with other teams. #leadingtheleague
  11. yep, the old boys network is still in control. not a ***** thing is going to happen to these crooks. i should have known better than to get my hopes up. https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1167171986369458177
  12. and... Foster was productive after being resigned ergo, Duke will be productive because we signed him to the practice squad is terrible logic. before you say you didn't say that, no one said that, 'Duke went unclaimed = He won't be a productive NFL player, either. that is your strawman fallacy construct created for... only god knows what reason. i am just throwing your strawman fallacy back at cha... oye!
  13. isn't the third string/practice squad QB responsible for being the upcoming opposing teams QB that week? i've seen it said that Tyree is good at multiple styles of play. so it might be one of the ideas behind signing him if they do.
  14. Anthony Lynn loves him former Bills .
  15. Artist Designs Metal Jewelry to Block Facial Recognition Software from Tracking You
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