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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. of all the things in a great write up, that's what you chose to delve into? mmmmmmmkay....
  2. you have a debilitating disconnect. it permeates everything you post.
  3. the ol' boys network is alive and well. https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1175186629100785665
  4. when one half of the country hates the other half, crumbling like a block wall with badly mixed mortar is inevitable. yes, i blame the main stream prostitutes.
  5. i suspect we are already destroyed. we just don't see it it in full focus yet.
  6. what is currently going on can be termed, as bail-ins.
  7. affluenza is a very serious debilitating condition.
  8. no clue. i know she had a album that went platinum(?). did she do that?
  9. the irony here, is that Morisette is Canadian. you might think a Canuk would know that....
  10. yOu cOuLd aLwAyS hOsT iT aT aNoThEr sItE aNd pOsT tHe lInK hErE.
  11. has the head of the FBI or the CIA or a DNI, or an AG ever been indicted on serious charges?
  12. seriously though, it's your browser. try Chrome and chances are, it will work just fine.
  13. second tweet. https://twitter.com/BurnedSpy34/status/1174477826302468096
  14. they are going to have to start Jones at some point so they know what they're going to use that 2nd pick on.
  15. oh come on. Planet Clare deserves it's own place in the annuls of history. both are good ... though i didn't care for Plymouth Satellites... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFw0Q9zVb8k
  16. i'm not saying AB is an upstanding man, just that even doushebags deserve the benefit of doubt. anyone who has been falsely accused of anything knows what i mean.
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